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The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 17:53
by Teigngull
After reading Merses views on what type of stadium is likely to be provided & erected by our ' hermit ' of an owner. It has got me thinking.
What do you expect, or not as is more likely, to be provided by Clarke Osborne & associates, is it the ' flat pack, meccano style , 1500 capacity, done on the cheap cheap expected by the likes of Merse or maybe you are one of the deluded many who still believe we would get the 10,000 capacity community stadium, such as Colchester Utd enjoy, or maybe nothing at all, as is the norm with Clarke Osborne & his promises.
If , & its said with tongue firmly in cheek, it's ever built, I expect to see the plans of a stadium on a par with the Avenue stadium of Dorchester Town, provided by Tesco i believe, ideal for National league standard but not quite up to football league requirements, so the level & standard of football is set in stone & always hindered by the quality of the stadium.
What do you expect to happen ? And to what quality ?

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 18:03
by westyorkshiregull
Considering no images or sketches have been shown by osborne and co , I'm not expecting anything to decent. I would think it will be Ikea type flat pack. A 10000 all seater is pointless , plainmoor is league one standard and that's is realistic for us. It was only 6 years or so ago we were touching upon league one and plainmoor is perfect for league one. I hate this mini stadia which only gets a third full , astomoshere is awful and it's a lonely place. Rotherham new York stadia is lovely but when I went there it was half full and was as flat as a fart. Even plainmoor half full has a buzz when teams doing well

We don't need a new stadia which I know is not what the thread is all about but that's my response

Could add to thread teigngull ? What other purposes would a new stadia have ? Greyhound ? Rugby ? Pop concert ? Commerce ?

I assume the club will be sitting tennents and match day revenue would pay the rent to osborne. The rest of the new stadia revenue has no effect on the club ?

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 18:12
by Teigngull
I'm with you Westy on the , " no new stadium required, thank you ".
But it doesn't sound as if Osborne is going anywhere soon without at least submitting plans.

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 18:16
by nickbrod
If other proper revenue streams were put in place, alongside the fortnightly football, what's not to like about Plainmoor?

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 18:38
by Plainmoor78
Sam, the supporter who organised the cover on the disabled section of the bench, related in one of the forums, to seeing architectural drawings of a new proposed stadium, featuring retail outlets, when visiting the plainmoor offices once.

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 18:46
by Teigngull
nickbrod wrote: 15 Apr 2018, 18:16 If other proper revenue streams were put in place, alongside the fortnightly football, what's not to like about Plainmoor?
Good point, why not invest in a 4G surface ? At least for the 2 seasons minimum we'd be in the non league format, hoping against hope there, & if artificial pitches are still not allowed in the football league if & when we return , well, we can always move it to our fit for purpose new training ground in waiting !!!
Nothing to lose & everything to gain, traditionalists need not reply.

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 19:15
by Teigngull
I've thought about this for nearly an hour now and it's 4G al! the way for me, what's not to like if it brings in revenue & helps us on the way to self sufficiency ?

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 19:30
by Southampton Gull
Because Osborne has a history of building stadia...............

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 19:36
by standupsitdown
There's nothing wrong with our current stadium.
The problem is the club's owner not the stadium.

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 19:41
by Teigngull
Southampton Gull wrote: 15 Apr 2018, 19:30 Because Osborne has a history of building stadia...............

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 19:44
by Dazza
No Dave he has a history of a promises to building stadia-- and to date not delivering on any of them.

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 19:50
by Teigngull
standupsitdown wrote: 15 Apr 2018, 19:36 There's nothing wrong with our current stadium.
The problem is the club's owner not the stadium.
In total agreement standup, but it we could ' modify' our current home to suit our financial needs as well as , in the competition were in is concerned, compete on a level playing field, without the fear of lost match day revenue & the ability to embrace the local populus within the TUFC family encouraging future support.
Or have I got it so wrong I'm coming across as a deluded moron ?

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 19:58
by Dave
Think there's been a slight misunderstanding of Dave SG sarcasm.. :)

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 20:01
by Soupdragon
nickbrod wrote: 15 Apr 2018, 18:16 If other proper revenue streams were put in place, alongside the fortnightly football, what's not to like about Plainmoor?
Trouble is (and I'm no nimby, heaven knows), but with the best will in the world, the problem is the parking. The stadium is tucked away in a warren of tiny residential streets, and any increase in use of the ground would impact hugely on the traffic use in the area. The streets just couldn't take it. You couldn't rely on public transport, either, with only an (unreliable) 34 single decker going anywhere conveniently near the ground. The nearest station is a 30 minute, hilly walk away.

Plainmoor's fine for an occasional football match, but a seven-day-a-week conference, banqueting, other commercial use? Not so much.

The Riviera Stadium

Posted: 15 Apr 2018, 20:02
by merse btpir
Unless or until a site and plans are announced; any pre-conception of what might happen is futile......

The first problem to overcome will be the location; wherever that would be would come under fire from the NIMBY brigade; expect at least a decade of prevarication and stalling just as there is in Cornwall for the SC4 project. I would say even pie in the sky thoughts would take the club to Newton Abbot rather than in Torquay or Torbay even.

Osborn is 65 and has never produced a stadium in over thirty years of pissing about in this field; what's he going to be when any blue sky project is completed? 75; 80? It isn't going to happen!

I understand where he's coming from marking Plainmoor down as not the place to build momentum for the club in the future; he sees a Shrewsbury or Barnet type of footprint with stadium and corporate facilities incorporated within a training ground/academy........and knowing Clarke Osborne; housing.

Osborne came sniffing (thanks to Pete Masters' 'brokerage') because of the Dave Phillips inspired Nightingale Park project with an American investor. That was simply wishful thinking and the sort of diversion to take supporters' minds away from the inability of Philips' board to run the club as the Syria situation is with brexit. Osborne put a loan in on the surmise that he could get a backdoor possession of that potential and that is exactly what he he has to work out what to do with it.

Every borough has a 'plan' ~ a plan for building housing for the future and many have one for re-generating their decrepit and rundown retail centres ~ Torquay certainly needs one!

The expose of non-elected council officers working directly with the absentee owner of the football club is a very real scenario and one that should send alarm down the spine's of every supporter and tax payer in the area. Is it doing that? Well no of course not because the corrupt local media are tame and puppets of those sort of people anyway and a big percentage of the local populace and club support have about as much get up and go and determination to find out the truth as a doughnut.

Give us a location and plans Mr Osborne and then let's spend time discussing it.