The next General Election: who will you vote for?

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The next General Election: who will you vote for?

Poll ended at 06 Oct 2016, 11:50

1. Conservative
2. Green Party
No votes
3. Labour
4. Liberal-Democrats
5. Plaid Cymru
No votes
6. Scottish National Party
No votes
7. United Kingdom Independence Party
8. Other
Total votes: 119

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Post by Gullscorer »

OK, let's assume you're having genuine problems with that Breitbart page. Go to the search box at the top of the page, and type in 'violent pro-EU', and take it from there. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
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Post by Orange Gull »

Screen Shot 2017-05-06 at 22.10.58.png
A window shattered almost a year ago. I can see now why you didn't want to provide any actual evidence for what you were claiming, as it's non-existent.
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Post by Gullscorer »

There's an old saying: there's none so blind as those who don't want to see; but it actually seems that there is: it's those who don't even want to look, particularly those blinded by bigotry and ideology. I'm casting no aspersions here. But if the cap fits, wear it.. Goodnight.
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Post by Orange Gull »

Gullscorer wrote: 06 May 2017, 22:10 particularly those blinded by bigotry and ideology.
But enough about you...

I'll always be around, if you want to provide evidence for what you've strongly claimed, feel free to share it.

In the meantime, remember, keep a close eye on these treasonous fascists... Image
My god, it's the blackshirts all over again isn't it?
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Post by ManxGull »

if that' picture was on Breitbart they of airbrushed them all in red shirts and have signs says with up the International lol they make so much crap up anyway it wouldn't surprise me and if that article isn't No 1 on the New York times best seller list for fiction ill be bitterly disapointed
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Post by Plainmoor78 »

What gullscorer cannot or will not see is that Breitbart has an agenda to push. It is not a news service but a conduit for right wing political ideology. The links to other sites that he posts to support his views are nothing more than opinion pieces as opposed to hard facts. Given his views on women I am surprised to see him frequently use links to a site called conservative woman.
Gullscorer reinforces his view of the world by deliberately avoiding anything that does support his own prejudices and trawling the internet for things that do (he claims not to own a tv so he can avoid watching the bbc).
If you look at a lot of the threads on the plopside they are dominated by his posts, the vast majority without any reply. This is due not to him winning any argument, but to his shrill denunciation of anyone who dares to express an opinion contrary to his own, hence why those who legitimately oppose brexit are traitors.
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Post by ManxGull »

but how can I be a traitor I've need sold out TUFC or the isle of man lol but yer I know what you mean Plainmoor78 , his views on women? that doesn't sound 2 promiseing, the bbc why its got a bias to the right thought it be right up his street since he's defiantly not left or centre,
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Post by torregull »

UKIP humiliated in local elections and Le Pen heavily defeated in French Presidential elections-what a great week.
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Post by Alpine Joe »

Different electoral systems of course, but Le Pen got a similar share of the vote to that of Cameron's Tories at our last General Election. Yet Cameron with his about 36% of votes was seen as fairly wide spread support and a relatively comfortable victory. Whereas Le Pen's 34% of French votes means she's widely unpopular and slumps to a heavy defeat.
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Post by Plainmoor78 »

torregull wrote: 08 May 2017, 12:35 UKIP humiliated in local elections and Le Pen heavily defeated in French Presidential elections-what a great week.
I second that emotion.
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Post by ManxGull »

I third it
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Post by S4fedr1ve »

Can we have a choice of voting for "none of the above". For the first time since i was first eligible to vote in 1983 i dont think i will be casting my vote. Nobody to vote for how sad this makes me feel.
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Post by Gullscorer »

Plainmoor78 wrote: 07 May 2017, 09:15 What gullscorer cannot or will not see is that Breitbart has an agenda to push. It is not a news service but a conduit for right wing political ideology. The links to other sites that he posts to support his views are nothing more than opinion pieces as opposed to hard facts. Given his views on women I am surprised to see him frequently use links to a site called conservative woman.
Gullscorer reinforces his view of the world by deliberately avoiding anything that does support his own prejudices and trawling the internet for things that do (he claims not to own a tv so he can avoid watching the bbc).
If you look at a lot of the threads on the plopside they are dominated by his posts, the vast majority without any reply. This is due not to him winning any argument, but to his shrill denunciation of anyone who dares to express an opinion contrary to his own, hence why those who legitimately oppose brexit are traitors.

I am constantly amazed at the frequency and extent of the misrepresentations by people on the political left of the views of those who express opinions they disagree with, and, having no valid arguments to offer, the personal attacks they make on their opponents, the very offence they accuse their adversaries of executing. OrangeGull, for example, requires me to produce chapter and verse, in citations and evidence, whilst himself making assertions presented as if they were established facts, as in his rant against Donald Trump. And here, Plainmoor78 presents his own blinkered views about Brietbart. Has he not seen its news items? Has he not read opinion pieces in the Guardian and other papers? He knows, for sure, that Breitbart, as much as any other media, is a mix of news and opinion, and any half-intelligent reader or viewer can see that clearly. And my 'views on women'? He means, of course, my critical views on feminism, something quite different. Anyone who reads even a small proportion of my posts will know what they are, along with the reasons clearly set out. He should deal with his own prejudices rather than looking for non-existent ones in others. And he knows, of course, that I have no problem with those who 'legitimately oppose Brexit', only with those plotting and conspiring in underhand ways to subvert the democratic will of the people, whose actions may be regarded as 'tantamount to treason'. If nothing else, such people are sailing very close to the wind. But I suppose it's too much to hope for a little integrity in certain political quarters.
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Post by KeithMalone »

Great to see Nuttall get embarrassed during the Leaders debate. A party with no substance now disappearing just like the BNP that went before it. Personally I find it sad that anything other than the NHS and education (given their current states) are headlining the manifestos. Here's hoping the Tory majority isn't so large that an NHS remains post this parliamentary cycle.
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