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Welcome to the site, introduce yourself topic...

Post by happytorq »

This forum looked a bit lonely so I thought I'd be the first to..er..break the ice. (did you see what I did there?)

My real name is Chris and I'm exiled fan living in Trumbull, Connecticut in the USA. I used to be the manager of the William Hills in Plainmoor (taking my lunch 'break' at about 3pm every other saturday afternoon ;-) ) before I moved here in the summer of 2006.

In my (non-TUFC following) spare time I like to play golf, mess about on my PS3 and remind my wife (a gooner) that while Arsenal have won nothing for 5 years, in that time Torquay have won a trophy and been to Wembley 3 times.

I also like sleeping on the sofa :)
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Post by Southampton Gull »

Nice one, made I larf.

One of my female friends is a Gooner, although she does now follow us as well.

like I keep telling her, we're a proper football club, none of that fantasy league crap for us ;-)

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Post by Fonda »

I replied to this then thought, what the hell, i'll have my very own 'hello' thread. It's somewhere else.
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Post by Fonda »

Hi, my name is Shane and i'm an alcoholic, oh no wrong place.

I live with girlfriend and our dog in Babbacombe. It's very nice to be back in the Bay - or it would be if a) it wasn't crumbling into the sea, b) there were some jobs in the area and c) it wasn't infested with disrespectful chavs. Still, it beats Swindon, Tiverton and Exeter.

I have a job i don't much like, but as it's in the public sector i'm likely to lose it soon anyway. Is that good or bad news?

If i'm not on the 'Pop' side at Plainmoor, i don't generally move too far from the sofa (it's dangerous out there). Sky sports is my friend.

I like to play golf. Until i go and play golf and remember how much a really hate golf. Then when it's been long enough since my last round, and i've forgotten the pain and embarassment, repeat...

I would like to appear on that 'Grumpy Old Men' show on TV.

I'd really like to work here because...oh no, wrong place again. Bye.
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Post by oxgull »

Well, I'll intro myself as I have finished my assessing work with my students early. A Gull who lives in Oxfordshire so Oxgull seemed to suit.
I'm Keith and originally lived in Kingsteignton before running off to the army in around October 1976 and didn't go back!! I retired (?) in 1999 from the army and settled in Oxfordshire as it was my last posting and I liked the place because there was plenty of work and my two girls, wife & daughter, love it here in the Cotswolds. First went to Plainmoor in 1969 to see Robin Stubbs, Billy Kitchener and Micky Cave tear Shrewsbury Town apart on a Saturday night under the lights and I was hooked for life. I now work, if you call it that, for a local FE college out with different companies delivering vocational training and, like some of you, will watch things as the public sector will get it soon so I could loose my job too! When not following the Gulls you will find me wetting a line and trying to catch fish as well as being an active member of a well know fraternal charity organisation. I am busy fighting off all those mates of mine here who are Oxford fans so I'm kept well busy :)
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Post by Jammieman »

LoL an Oxfordshire Gull, tell your Oxford friends there gonna get relegated this season. :lol:
One of my mates supports Oxford and he was so happy when Torquay lost, the little b******. :twisted:
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Post by Dave »

you feeling alright shane.

2nd place in league 2 with out leroy as manager getting to you :)
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Post by JoeBarlow »

Hello again, the man with the plan is back. Nice to be back on here.
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Post by Scott Brehaut »

I can scarcely contain my indifference

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Post by Plymouth Gull »

New to the site..

I'll hope you'll treat me well...

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Post by Louis »

Welcome back Nick, I have put your signature back :)
Plymouth Gull

Post by Plymouth Gull »

Cheers Louis. :)

Good to have this back up and running :)
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Post by Dave »

hi nick............. :)
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Post by Plymouth Gull »

Hi Dave :)

Hope to referee one of your games again this season. :)
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Post by Eirik »

As a member of the Norway Gulls I'd probably tell my story :)

My name is Eirik and I have been a Torquay fan since I was 15 years old. So why Torquay? A question I get asked a lot. To be honest it all started out as quite a coincidence one day at school. A friend of mine had brought with him one of these fancy things http://www.newitts.com/images/products/ ... 043227.jpg and he listed up a number of teams we could choose from. Here you had teams like Man Utd, Liverpool etc. And then there was Torquay. For me that was such a cool name, and each time it was my turn to play I always chose to be Torquay.

I then started to follow their results on TV and soon found out that this team was not for the faint hearted with relegation battles each year. Then the Championship Manager/Football Manager computer game was released, and through that I got to "know" the players. This was back in the days of Paul Trollope, Chris Curran, Duane Darby and even Richard Hancox :)

Then there was the official website and live radio coverage of the games which had me glued to the computer each Saturday. In 2002 I "accidentally" found there was other fellow Torquay fans here in Norway. A quick email and I was soon a member of the Norway Gulls. And the rest is history as they say. Visited Torquay for the first time in 2002 and have since tried to make the trip at least once a year.

My best moments as a Gulls fan must be when I sat ringside at Wembley when we got promotion back to League Two. What a great day. Other memorable moments was the last day win at Barnet and our promotion to League One. Worst moments includes relegation from League One on goal difference and of course dropping out of the League.

I guess that sums it all up in a way :)

Proud member of Torquay United Supporters Norway

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