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Will the game be on?

Posted: 23 Feb 2024, 17:10
by Paigntonian
With all the goings on this week surrounding the club the one thing I’m concerned about is ‘will the game be on?’
It’s fair to say that we have had plenty of rain this week falling on already saturated ground and with the opposition travelling from the other side of London I wonder if an early pitch inspection is planned.
I’m coming to a game at Plainmoor for the first time in over a year and bringing two of my grandsons so we very much hope that it does go ahead.

Will the game be on?

Posted: 23 Feb 2024, 17:23
by tufcyellowarmy
I just hope we have enough players willing to turn out for the club if the game does go ahead. Christ knows what is going on behind the scenes .

Will the game be on?

Posted: 23 Feb 2024, 17:40
by desperado
Almost certain the game will definitely go ahead. The pitch drains very well and looks dry weather up to kick off.