Dutchgull wrote: 17 Jan 2022, 20:35
Their are many many things wrong with the BBC ...Laura Kuennsberg for a start (BBC News / political bias no argument there ! ) Salaries for its big names are perverse and certainly need to be reviewed !!
I don't watch any soap opera on any channel but each to their own on that one !
What is Woke bias shite ??
On the plus side we have the amazing documentaries with David Attenborough. Hugely popular shows (although not for me ! ) like Strictly.
The BBC has to cater for all the population with all of its DIVERSITY ! (subtle hint BBC3 ). Its Radio stations cover every region and as such also broadcasts in Welsh and Gaelic (TV as well )
Radio 3 & Radio 6 thankfully still exist.
I avoid commercial radio because of its constant advert interruptions
My favourite channel is BBC4 with its science and history.
All of this for £3 per week or 43 p per day. Again that can be reviewed.
There were comparisons with Sky, BT , Netflix and Amazon prime. They may be slightly cheaper but in no way do they provide the same breath of coverage. In any case Sky & BT charge a subscription fee and show adverts !!!!!!
I agree that there needs to be a discussion on a move forward but ideas of the BBC taking advertising is a non starter for me as one of the beauties of watching a drama is it not being interrupted by adverts !! There is not enough advertising revenue to go around at the moment anyway if you have ever watched PBS or the Smithsonian channel you will know what I mean !!
Dave the Gull ...Chris fear was on ITV and their local coverage has not always been great either ! Pete Barraclough Martyn Dean etc !
I agree that this is a smoke screen to deflect anything away from the crook / liar that is Boris Johnson. Channel 4 news got that one spot on tonight !!
The Tories want to shutdown channel 4 because it exposes them and their assault on the BBC is just an attempt to win a bit of popularity back.
That wont work you fecking bunch of crooks !!
Typical Tories blame somebody else in this case the BBC !!
https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/ ... t-over-75s