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Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 29 Oct 2016, 21:20
by nickbrod
But if the club is under new management any time soon then a change of manager is pretty likely.

Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 29 Oct 2016, 21:34
by 6667GULL
We have eleven good players starting every week do we??
One win in eleven does not show that.
We have one quality player and all the rest are nowhere him.
Luke will leave and we will have no one only players who could just about cut it in the South Devon League.
Nico stands no chance of keeping us up without investment and none is going to come no matter what Dave Phillips waffles on about.

Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 29 Oct 2016, 21:49
by S4fedr1ve
I agree totally wth Gulliball Nico is the last person who should go. Will he keep us up i think so yes. If he does he will probably go down in the clubs folklore for as long as the club is there.

Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 29 Oct 2016, 21:58
by Orange Gull
S4fedr1ve wrote:Will he keep us up i think so yes.
What are you basing this optimism on?

Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 29 Oct 2016, 22:07
by Plainmoor78
I agree with the some of the other posters, Nico is the last thing I would change about the club. But the question is irrelevant until we see what the outcome of the club takeover is. Whether he can keep us up, I think it is 50/50 with this squad.

Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 29 Oct 2016, 23:11
by ferrarilover
Absolutely everything wrong with both modern football and the modem world expressed by people wanting Nico sacked.

Someone has to finish 5th from bottom. There is NOTHING to suggest it shouldn't be us.

We're 'bigger' than some clubs which will finish higher - irrelevant.
We used to be a League club - irrelevant.
We get better crowds than others - irrelevant.
We're full time - irrelevant.

With the state of everything surrounding our club at this moment in time, 5th from bottom is about right.

A large percentage of our players are not especially talented. We know that, they know that. Unless they're at their best (as they have been for enough of the season so far for us to reasonably suggest that we'll probably be ok) in terms of everything, we will need a bit of luck to take anything from any match.

Binning off players at this stage will get us nowhere because that will cost us money, meaning those who come in to replace them will be those willing to work for even less than the person they replace.

Binning off the manager, are you mad? I absolutely guarantee that, all things considered, Nico earns less than the gormless twats on the tills in Sainsbury's. I reckon if we paid him minimum wage for the hours he actually does, he'd probably add 50% to his salary.

What to do then? The ONLY answer is to struggle on through and do as best we can with what we're stuck with. No, LRT isn't a very good LB, but our ONLY option is him. Nico can't play every week. He's 106 years old. We can't play 3 at the back, we concede more than is good for us with 4 defenders, let alone with just 75% of that number.

Lots of bullshit and bluster here, but precious few practical suggestions, conspicuously so from those advocating Nico's sacking. He's going nowhere. He could **** the Chairman's wife in the centre circle at half time and he still wouldn't get the sack. The only thing we can do is back him and his team. They're here, we're stuck with them and it is they upon whom we must rely on retaining our Conference National status. Anything which makes that more difficult for them is only ever going to make it less likely that we will stay up.

If you haven't evolved far enough to regulate your emotions in the face of adversity, please A) have yourself voluntarily sterilised, we don't need more of your kind. B) stay well away from Plainmoor on matchdays, you aren't helping and if you aren't helping, you're hindering and that's the last thing we need, another **** hindrance.


Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 29 Oct 2016, 23:14
by Jeff
ferrarilover wrote:Absolutely everything wrong with both modern football and the modem world expressed by people wanting Nico sacked.

Someone has to finish 5th from bottom. There is NOTHING to suggest it shouldn't be us.

We're 'bigger' than some clubs which will finish higher - irrelevant.
We used to be a League club - irrelevant.
We get better crowds than others - irrelevant.
We're full time - irrelevant.

With the state of everything surrounding our club at this moment in time, 5th from bottom is about right.

A large percentage of our players are not especially talented. We know that, they know that. Unless they're at their best (as they have been for enough of the season so far for us to reasonably suggest that we'll probably be ok) in terms of everything, we will need a bit of luck to take anything from any match.

Binning off players at this stage will get us nowhere because that will cost us money, meaning those who come in to replace them will be those willing to work for even less than the person they replace.

Binning off the manager, are you mad? I absolutely guarantee that, all things considered, Nico earns less than the gormless tw@ on the tills in Sainsbury's. I reckon if we paid him minimum wage for the hours he actually does, he'd probably add 50% to his salary.

What to do then? The ONLY answer is to struggle on through and do as best we can with what we're stuck with. No, LRT isn't a very good LB, but our ONLY option is him. Nico can't play every week. He's 106 years old. We can't play 3 at the back, we concede more than is good for us with 4 defenders, let alone with just 75% of that number.

Lots of sh!t and bluster here, but precious few practical suggestions, conspicuously so from those advocating Nico's sacking. He's going nowhere. He could fu<k the Chairman's wife in the centre circle at half time and he still wouldn't get the sack. The only thing we can do is back him and his team. They're here, we're stuck with them and it is they upon whom we must rely on retaining our Conference National status. Anything which makes that more difficult for them is only ever going to make it less likely that we will stay up.

If you haven't evolved far enough to regulate your emotions in the face of adversity, please A) have yourself voluntarily sterilised, we don't need more of your kind. B) stay well away from Plainmoor on matchdays, you aren't helping and if you aren't helping, you're hindering and that's the last thing we need, another fu<k hindrance.


Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 30 Oct 2016, 01:17
by SuperNickyWroe
Yes he will.
Because he puts everything into TUFC and - like last season - will do everything he needs to do

Also look at the table - fortunately there are at least four teams worse than us.

Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 30 Oct 2016, 01:32
by Gullscorer
Matt: :goodpost:
Agreed. Our players are very decent chaps; they just need to toughen up, both physically and mentally, so they maintain their fitness levels throughout the game and don't lose heart when they concede a goal. After all, Murray and Djokovic never got to be champions by not being physically fit and mentally tough and honing their skills to perfection.
OK we cannot expect perfection at Plainmoor, but a just little improvement will be sufficient to keep us safe. And if Nicho does what he did at the beginning of the year and brings in a couple of loanees over the winter, the supporters should respond with a few small donations each to the Players Fund..

Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 30 Oct 2016, 11:59
by Plainmoor78
Gullscorer wrote:Matt: :goodpost:
Agreed. Our players are very decent chaps; they just need to toughen up, both physically and mentally, so they maintain their fitness levels throughout the game and don't lose heart when they concede a goal. .
They already are physically toughened up and fit, but it is the wrong type of fitness. They follow a body building fitness programme under simon Jeffrey. Even the club doctor has told Nico this is not suitable for a football team.

Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 30 Oct 2016, 12:06
by ferrarilover
Gullscorer wrote:Matt: :goodpost:
Agreed. Our players are very decent chaps; they just need to toughen up, both physically and mentally, so they maintain their fitness levels throughout the game and don't lose heart when they concede a goal. After all, Murray and Djokovic never got to be champions by not being physically fit and mentally tough and honing their skills to perfection.
OK we cannot expect perfection at Plainmoor, but a just little improvement will be sufficient to keep us safe. And if Nicho does what he did at the beginning of the year and brings in a couple of loanees over the winter, the supporters should respond with a few small donations each to the Players Fund..
You are Paul Tisdale and I claim my fifty pence.


Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 30 Oct 2016, 12:17
by Gullscorer
Plainmoor78 wrote: They already are physically toughened up and fit, but it is the wrong type of fitness. They follow a body building fitness programme under simon Jeffrey. Even the club doctor has told Nico this is not suitable for a football team.
I had a feeling that was the case. But then one wonders why a suitable programme has not yet been introduced..

Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 30 Oct 2016, 12:38
by goodluckgull
Gus benefited greatly from Nicho's management and training regime last season. Gus was outstanding and look where he his now. I'm confident that Nicho has the up to date knowledge of how to achieve best fitness for a footballer. Injuries happen at all levels of football and some clubs are unlucky to succumb to several at's not just at Tufc.

Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 30 Oct 2016, 14:41
by Gullscorer
So TUFC is not yet FUCT.. ;-)

Can Nicholson keep us up

Posted: 30 Oct 2016, 15:36
by Colorado Gull
I agree with Matt's post above. However, there are a couple of issues that need addressing in regards to Kevin. The formation yesterday seemed rather odd and it is so blindingly obvious that Blissett needs to be dropped. Can't run, can't head the ball, can't control, can't jump, can't pass, can't shoot. A total waste of space. Yes, alright, we're stuck with him and he (like the rest of the players, apart from Young and possibly Ward/Reid on a good day) are bang average bottom half Conference players who (some) earn less than I do a week, but organise a 4-4-2 simple line up and swap Bliss with Williams. Furthermore, Kev needs to change whatever he says at half time because it doesn't work. We had a very good last 20 minutes in the first half, the second 45 was a complete contrast.

Other than those two points, there's literally nothing our manager can do.