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Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 20:40
by Forest gull
So far so good.

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 20:43
by Gullscorer
Half-Time. Wrexham 0 Torquay 1.

Added in 1 minute 46 seconds:
cambgull wrote:in Cox we trust!
Careful now.. :)

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 20:50
by torq2u
"The Seagulls 1-0 up at Wrexham" - come on Radio Devon. Get a fricking grip

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 21:08
by Dutchgull

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 21:08
by Dave
Bugger, Vose 1.1

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 21:14
by Dutchgull
Double bugger

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 21:15
by Dave

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 21:16
by Forest gull
Oh dear

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 21:29
by Dutchgull
Cnut ref

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 21:30
by RussianGull
Triple dang. BBC Sport push notifications had me all happy then two goals in 5 minutes dampening my mood. Wrexham will be pushing for promotion this year so it wouldn't be the worst result in the world, dig deep boys.

Should we lose it'll be our first opportunity to see what PC says when we lose a competitive match..don't think we'll be getting much buckspeak from him!

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 21:31
by TUST_Member_Rob
Sounds like a poor ref'ing display

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 21:32
by DevonYellow
Sounded a tame penalty on the radio. No appeal from Wrexham and they don't even know what it was given for!

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 21:39
by RussianGull
MacD foul in penalty area according to BBC Sport

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 23:28
by Orange Gull
This was my first Torquay game since Crewe at home in April 2012, oh how times change. I know that the team is not what it used to be but even so, the depths to which we have plummeted is just disheartening. My vocabulary does not contain the words to adequately describe the sheer awfulness on display tonight, be in no doubt, we were appalling, and were deservedly beaten. So what went wrong?

The first half saw Wrexham dominate in terms of possession, yet they only had one decent opportunity, which Speiss (who I thought conducted himself well throughout) got down quick and put it out for a corner. Despite all their possession Wrexham didn't really do much. Us on the other hand, well we could barely get the ball. The one time we actually get up their end in the first half and force a corner, we score. We were lucky to go in at half time in a winning position, but you can only take what's put in front of you.

So the second half starts, and we thought that Cox would have told the team just to try and hold on to the ball a bit....but we didn't. We were even worse in the second half than in the first, we created nothing, barely got the ball and when we did, promptly lost it. The first two Wrexham goals could have easily been prevented. In both cases there was a complete lack of man marking which meant that once the Wrexham player had the ball, he could easily slot it into the bottom corner of the net. There was little Speiss could do about either of them. As for the penalty, I couldn't really see it but no one seemed to appeal. Even so, it's pointless to moan about the penalty or the refereeing (which was soft at times), the responsibility for the defeat lies solely with the the team.

I have seen some bad football from Torquay over the years but that second half display was by far the worst I've ever seen. I sincerely hope that we improve and that there are teams far below us in terms of quality, because if not it is going to be a long and hard season. Sorry to be so negative but I could see very few positives from the game. Speiss was the only one who I thought looked decent, despite the Wrexham possession he didn't have much to do, and looked confident when called upon.

I don't get to many Torquay games and this will be last until next season, but if this is our standard of play I don't think I'm going to miss much.

Lastly, our fans were great and loud for most of the game. However, when the opposition supporters are singing "3-1 to the sheep shaggers", it seems somewhat pointless to sing "And you know you are" back at them. It wasn't clever and it wasn't an insult.

Wrexham v Torquay

Posted: 12 Aug 2015, 00:10
by Rex_Ham
I've always had a special admiration for Torquay fans, ever since our league days, when you were already relegated (by a gazillion points) but still brought up a decent number of truly dedicated fans - who got a warm round of applause off us when entering our local watering hole on that day!

Once more tonight, your dedicated fans who made the awfully long trip up north, were warmly applauded by our crowd when the announcer thanked the 89 fans who had made the trip up on a Tues night to The Racecourse.

Onto tonight's game. When we saw your team run out - we thought...Jeeez, they're a big old team! The smallest one looked about a 6 footer!

However, as the game wore on (with us lot not knowing what to expect from OUR completely new team either....) we started to be heartened - especially after our disastrous result on Sat!

Then....wallop! Out of the blue you had a corner and we were 0-1 down!! Here we go again we thought!

Second half, it was a different story. Gary Mills must've given them a right old rollicking at HT and we were a different team...or rather, a more decisive team!

You all know what happened 2nd half by now, but suffice to say, we well deserved the result...

I really hope we go on to clinch automatic promo to the league....but also hope you go with us via the Play Off's.
