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Club Statement - 08/11/2023

Posted: 09 Nov 2023, 13:15
by brucie
Quite laughable that the statement says they are intent on delivering promotion when they continue to employ a failure as a manager

Club Statement - 08/11/2023

Posted: 09 Nov 2023, 16:38
by SuperNickyWroe
brucie wrote: 09 Nov 2023, 13:15 Quite laughable that the statement says they are intent on delivering promotion when they continue to employ a failure as a manager
......Or not properly invest in the team.....

Club Statement - 08/11/2023

Posted: 09 Nov 2023, 18:24
by Steve_TUFC
SuperNickyWroe wrote: 09 Nov 2023, 16:38 ......Or not properly invest in the team.....
If they are not properly investing in the team then why is Johnson putting up with it?

Bonus on the surplus he’s doesn’t spend on the squad?
Share options?
Last chance saloon before retirement?
Contract restrictions?

Strange as he often states the opposite and is positive about the backing of GE?

Club Statement - 08/11/2023

Posted: 09 Nov 2023, 18:49
by MellowYellow
This statement without signature provides no credence to anyone. With over a 100,000 views on this statement to-date it may have been better for the club to do what they do best and have said nothing at all. Deafing silence cannot be misquoted.

Club Statement - 08/11/2023

Posted: 10 Nov 2023, 11:08
by Dutchgull
Southampton Gull wrote: 09 Nov 2023, 08:49 Perhaps now some people will understand why I don't blame Johnson in the same way they do. Is he blameless? No of course not but he isn't the one that should be the focus of anger from everyone.

I said from the beginning that they have only one aim and it will never be to our benefit. Since then I've just learned to be grateful for the odd moment of elation knowing what's just around the corner.

This kind of tactic is precisely what they do and have always done and it really shouldn't be much of a surprise.

Maybe for the time being we can support what we have and realise that craving change that will cost money just isn't going to happen.
Oh come off it Dave , GJ gets the anger as he is in charge of team affairs !

He is the person everyone sees. They don't immediately think about GE or CO !!

Is GE /CO responsible for signing crap like Hanson, Crowe, Martin, McGavin (3 yr contract !!) Marshall, crocked Dawson past it Moxey & Hall and Lapslie who plays a game then misses the next !!

Past it dinosaur tactics playing hoofball, no imagination with corner / free kick routines. The team is not well drilled or fit and certainly have no plan b to counter the opposition.

Cowardly actions like a fist pump when we win but scuttles off down the tunnel like a rat when we lose, then sends his lapdog out to face the media !
That happens too regularly now when we capitulate to yet another team of part timers who show US how to play football !

THATS why he is the focus of anger !

Your are not the only one who knew from the beginning that this lot were never interested in our club for its benefit only there's, not all of our supporters suffer from short term memory loss !!

:lol: :lol:

Club Statement - 08/11/2023

Posted: 10 Nov 2023, 14:26
by culmstockgull
Dutchgull, very accurate post, everything that concerns the fans is down to johnson, we are not interested if they get new tables in the dining room, or the directors box gets new comfy chairs, or whether we hire a 30 or a 52 seater coach for away journeys. What concerns us is that the manager puts out a team of professional footabllers, who can manage 90 minutes of effort and score more than they concede plus the experience to have a plan B and C when things do not go according to plan, the squad and support team are all his, no inherited liabilities so who else should we be looking at to account for our situation, the owner for not opening up his wallet yet again so that Johnson can buy more players because the ones he recruited are not up to the task, how does any of this fall on edwards or osborne other than they showing a massive error of judgement letting the situation continue.

Club Statement - 08/11/2023

Posted: 10 Nov 2023, 17:53
by leetufc
Not defending Johnson here, he is largely culpable for where we are in the league. None of us know what the budget truly has been in comparison to other clubs, but whatever it has been, its clear over the past season and a half that its not been utilised effectively. As has been mentioned numerous times on, the make up of the squad this year is inexcusable.

However, going back to the original reason of this post, Johnson would not have been the one responsible for writing and signing off on this statement, that shows such clear contempt for TUST and the fanbase as a whole. This clearly shows how the management above Johnson truly views us

Club Statement - 08/11/2023

Posted: 10 Nov 2023, 19:06
by TUST_Official
10th November 2023


From numerous messages and posts on social media TUST is fully aware of the depth of feeling that the club statement, issued late on Wednesday, has generated.

The statement has sparked considerable local media interest with ITV, BBC - TV and radio - and the Torbay press picking up the story.

In the interests of accuracy and for confirmation at no point did Nick Brodrick, as chairman of TUST, incite or express a desire for any unlawful acts. That the club chose to name Nick as if the ‘ringleader’ was not only potentially defamatory but also inaccurate.

The majority of the meeting was spent discussing the lack of openness and little or no communication between those running the club and the fanbase.

The groundswell of opinion of the meeting was to hold a protest but by doing so not to financially affect the club or players on the pitch. It was decided, by a vote, to hold a peaceful, law abiding sit-in at the end of the home National South fixture with Tonbridge Angels on Saturday December 2 2023.

It should be made clear that whilst the forum was run by TUST, those present/on Zoom, were not all TUST members as it was an open forum. We would, though, like to thank all those fans who have joined as members in the last 48 hours.

TUST would also like to thank the 150 who attended either in person and online and we apologise to those who were ‘locked out’. For the next forum we intend to upgrade to a Business Zoom which will allow 300 to participate online.

We would also like to thank other clubs’ supporters trusts for their goodwill posts showing the solidarity of the football community.

As was said at the meeting, the forum, which should have been set up by the club, is the start of a journey to ensure the future long term sustainability of Torquay United Football Club.



Club Statement - 08/11/2023

Posted: 11 Nov 2023, 12:27
by Dave
The statement issued by the club is nothing short of absolutely disgusting, the statement plus lack of response to the TV and radio coverage shows not just the contempt, but disrespect and arrogance our club has for it's own supporters.

I couldn't attend the TUST event due to work commitments, often up before dawn and long days, but I thank all involved with the TUST and those who participated for their efforts, this event seems to have brought more pressure on our clubs ownership in a few short hours than the local media have managed in years.

What is needed in my view is keep the pressure on, even heightened, to achieve this requires unity amongst the fanbase, an end to stupidity like who's up for expressing some positive thoughts, nothing will change, unless we're all prepared to do something to force the change.

I've heard enough to convince now is the time to join TUST and will do shortly, strength in numbers, urge others to do the same.

Club Statement - 08/11/2023

Posted: 11 Nov 2023, 13:19
by culmstockgull
What started as a meeting of like minded supporters to express concerns in the only way available to them has now turned into a PR disaster for the club. Local radio, television and the print have now covered and continue to cover these events pouring fuel onto a fire , if the club had said nothing
as they usually do, the fans may well have complained that this is more of the same lack of interaction with the fans, we wouldnt have been surprised and the meeting may have gone unnoticed in the larger world.
The club no matter how loudly they shout are not in a position to do anything about any planned protest on the 2nd, the stewards have no power , they can employ private security or police but these cost money and lots of it.
Undoubtedly there is an element of supporters and I used the word advisedly who wil see the clubs statement as a red rag and a call to arms but I would remind the the supporters have the moral high ground and anything you do to negate that will ony harm the club.

Club Statement - 08/11/2023

Posted: 11 Nov 2023, 13:43
by TerryTorq
After more than 50 years of working for various companies usually directly with the owners, I came to realise that they are mostly interested in only one opinion, their own. I overheard one owner say "It's my f*****g company and I will do what I want". If that is the mindset of CO, I fear for the future.

Club Statement - 08/11/2023

Posted: 11 Nov 2023, 18:39
by standupsitdown
This is not an uncommon reaction from club owners who have no respect for the fans who challenge their actions or motives.
It is usually counter productive.