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Post by westyorkshiregull »

Plainmoor78 wrote: 05 Feb 2018, 02:20 Although, like westyorks, I am not a fan of social media I have to agree with Andy that it is a very important aspect of young peoples lives nowadays and the club really need to invest in this area in order to reach out to the yoof.
Another more traditional way for getting the club noticed is by poster advertising forth coming matches. Enter Lewes FC posters into bing and look at the images of the posters that Lewes produce (and sell on their website). A little creativity can go a long way.
Kids for a quid would not be a bad idea , could get a adult to attend that might not have gone. Simple things like that help
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Post by Yorkieandy »

Kids under 16 should be free at every single club in the land and for every low priority game if accompanied by a full paying adult.
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Post by westyorkshiregull »

Agree , guess a quid is fairly nominal also. Difficult in some ways a lot of these things been tried and tested many times over. Better team better performances and results would be 1st option to bring people back. Fuller stadia and better atmosphere would help that cause. It's a vicious circle the club has fallen out of. I'm am surprised though we still knocking out 1500 fans , that's clearly the hard-core bunch. This is no assumption whatsoever but if in national south we were top what then would crowds be ...bet it would be over 2000.
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Post by Plainmoor78 »

Agree about ticket pricing for kids. The club needs to attract families, but asking a family with two over 7yrs olds to fork out £40 for this crap is ridiculous. In fact £30 is probably too much for most families. A family discount ticket should be available.
By the way why aren't there any concessions for disabled people?
Just noticed the page on the website where I got the prices from is actually advertising the Maidstone fa trophy match. Wtf that was nearly two months ago.
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Post by merse btpir »

I regularly get my kids in for nothing at Isthmian League clubs and the end result is me spending more than I normally would if admission was charged for because it all goes over the bar/tea bar and food outlets...they're not stupid these little clubs and have more business savvy than our lot.
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Post by Yorkieandy »

I just wish the football club would think outside the box and make matchday's special for both adults AND young kids. Scarborough recently did something that i've been banging on about for years yet i've not seen any clubs do this. They put a special 'golden ticket' inside one of the matchday programmes recently and the finder of it won a home shirt. The extra programmes sold would cover the cost of the shirt or close to and the feelgood factor is superb. Ok so i know it's only a small example but it's things like this that fans love and kids too.

This is what pisses me off about the Premier League and Championship clubs and players too. How detrimental would it be for say every Man Utd player to buy a kids home shirt every home game and pick a kid during the warm up to give it too? How much of a sacrifice is it for Lukaku and his 150k a week to take out £30 of it and buy a kid a shirt? If every player does this then there is a positive story about the club and it connects it's fans. Most people and players are just selfish beyond belief and they don't even think of others.

I know what it was like as a kid to have footballing idols. Can you imagine if yours picked you out from the crowd and chucked you a home shirt and posed for a photo? It would be like all your Christmases. Clubs and players don't think like this because it takes too much effort and they are all in their own bubbles.

Even TUFC though and clubs like it could be doing so much innovative and exciting things to get people involved at minimal or no cost. Competitions every home game, puzzle sheets at a quid to solve for kids about the club and what's around the ground and the first to hand one in that's correct gets a shirt or whatever. You only need to sell 20 or so sheets and you've got your money back on the shirt, may even make a profit and the kids think it's fantastic fun and one of them takes home a new shirt. Just things like this to make up for the shit on the pitch. There is tonnes of stuff that can be done like this if people at clubs could actually be arsed to think about them.

I know going to the footy isn't supposed to be a funfair or like Phoenix Nights but if it was it would be great wouldn't it?
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Post by Yorkieandy »

merse btpir wrote: 05 Feb 2018, 21:31 I regularly get my kids in for nothing at Isthmian League clubs and the end result is me spending more than I normally would if admission was charged for because it all goes over the bar/tea bar and food outlets...they're not stupid these little clubs and have more business savvy than our lot.
Agree Merse.

Apologies for mentioning York again but i took my kid a few times when she was about 5 and it cost me £12 to get her in! Absolutely ridiculous. It cost me £19 and parking £3 and petrol etc as it was and then i had to pay £12 to get a 5 year old in who wasn't particularly interested anyway. It was easy to then and cheaper to leave the kid at home, supervised of course :Oops: whilst i went to the footy.

I doubt i was the only one. Some clubs just have no forward planning and it's all about the here and now. You can see how well such a plan of action has served York City can't you?
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Post by westyorkshiregull »

All those empty seats at plainmoor could be served better . Sure no one would argue if invited a local school in for free for certain games
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Post by Plainmoor78 »

Yorkieandy wrote: 05 Feb 2018, 21:38

This is what pisses me off about the Premier League and Championship clubs and players too. How detrimental would it be for say every Man Utd player to buy a kids home shirt every home game and pick a kid during the warm up to give it too? How much of a sacrifice is it for Lukaku and his 150k a week to take out £30 of it and buy a kid a shirt? If every player does this then there is a positive story about the club and it connects it's fans. Most people and players are just selfish beyond belief and they don't even think of others.
Juan Mata (a Man Utd player) set up a charity called Common Goal where footballers could pledge 1% of their salary to charity. So far just 36 other players from around the world have signed and they include 12 women players.
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Post by Yorkieandy »

Just looked again at the useless TUFC twitter page.

No doubt i'll get misunderstood with the following comments by the usual suspects but here goes...

Season ends against Ebbsfleet and so it seems does any recognition or reward for the fans. The season is over and we'll think of you again once season tickets are out is what they are saying. When we want some of your money, we'll let you know but in the meantime just donate your money to Higgins / Lathrope / Madagascan Primate Rescue et al.

Apparently the club sold raffle tickets to give away a brand new Dacia Sandero car. How about giving each fan that came through the turnstile a FREE raffle ticket and the chance to be rewarded for enduring 5 seasons of absolute arrogant club ownership and dogshite football? No? Of course not as that would mean thinking about the fans which Osborne doesn't do, well apart from 10 or so that went to Hartlepool on the fun bus.

Then there is the Fans v Staff match at Plainmoor. Wonder if there will be any staff left to play against if they keep leaving after being treated like shit. Well, at least they'd know how the fans felt. So this match is a great idea. Long suffering fans get to line up on the hallowed turf and enjoy a rare experience and reward for their support from kind altruistic owner Clarke Osborne yes? No? No, of course not. It'll cost you 50 quid.

Now the controversial bits which to me aren't but here goes anyway.

The club have set up a GoFundMe page for retired player Ryan Higgins who tragically had to retire from the game with a serious heart condition. Naturally it goes without saying that sympathies are with Ryan and everyone wishes him well for the future and thanks him for the brief time he was at the club.

But that's all it was, brief. According to Wikipedia he made just 16 appearances for Torquay and yet the club put more effort into making life a little easier for him than they do fans that have spent endless amounts of time, money and inconvenience helping to keep the club afloat and helping to pay the players wages these past 5 or so years. Again, i cannot emphasize enough how much of a tough time Higgins must have been going through and no doubt people will say i'm being heartless and insensitive when i'm not.

I'm pointing out a fact that Higgins was PAID whilst he was at the club whilst the fans HELPED TO PAY part of his wages yet according to the club Higgins is more deserving of financial help that fans who may be on benefits or minimum wage and who may have to pay travel expenses on top to get to games and support the club. Higgins has been and has gone.

In addition there are signed Everton shirts and allsorts to help raise money for him. It would be good to know if TUFC have chucked in a load of shirts etc to raffle too. Have they chucked in a free season ticket next season to raffle or anything like that? I think the sentiment from the club is commendable but Higgins barely played, it's not as if he's Mansell or a true legend. Chuck in the fact the club have been relegated again, which he played a small part in and chuck in the fact that fans are once again being asked to fork out (out of the goodness of their hearts) rather than have recognition and rewards themselves for also going through such tough times then i find it a bit off. Again, i don't begrudge Higgins anything at all but it just seems to me another thing that fans get asked to help with when they get **** all help themselves from this selfish, greedy owner.

Another similar story is that of Damon Lathrope. I am aware that the fundraising match was set up by a fan and therefore facilitated by the club but once again it's hands in pockets time for a player who broke his leg and had to retire whilst playing for ANOTHER CLUB!!

I don't doubt the service Lathrope has given to Torquay but again, he was paid for it and was hardly a club legend. He'd left and was a Woking player yet fans, good souls that they are set something up for him and go along and dip their hands in their pockets once more.

I know the above sounds insensitive but it is absolutely not meant to be in any way, shape or form. I'm simply trying to point out with brutal examples that it's always the fans who get shit on by people who run the club and yet it's the fans expected to fork out and help out on top.

When are the fans going to get recognized, afforded as much consideration as a player with only 16 games under his belt has and hen are the fans going start being treated with dignity for their long standing support and loyalty.

You're not the person to even be aware that this needs to happen Osborne let alone make it happen. It's a good job you run a football club because if this was any other business you'd have no customers left.


Again I must re-iterate that I wish both the above players all the best for the future and I DO hope they can benefit greatly from the generosity of the TUFC fans.

Just needed to point that out again as there are people out there who are incapable of interpreting my posts correctly in the spirit and way they were intended and instead choose to misunderstand.
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Post by Plainmoor78 »

I think you have got this all out of context. Higgins and Lathorpe are in the position of having their careers finished, whilst having to support their families and I doubt very much those two earned an absolute fortune during the careers. They are both victims of fate which can befall anyone, they didn't choose for what has happened to them to occur, it is bad fortune.
The fans make their sacrifice out of choice. They don't have to attend matches or pay for raffle tickets etc. You yourself have made a choice not to attend matches, so can anyone. If the fans are victims of is because they have chosen to be so.
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Post by ACW2IOW »

Plainmoor78 wrote: 01 May 2018, 16:29 I think you have got this all out of context. Higgins and Lathorpe are in the position of having their careers finished, whilst having to support their families and I doubt very much those two earned an absolute fortune during the careers. They are both victims of fate which can befall anyone, they didn't choose for what has happened to them to occur, it is bad fortune.
The fans make their sacrifice out of choice. They don't have to attend matches or pay for raffle tickets etc. You yourself have made a choice not to attend matches, so can anyone. If the fans are victims of is because they have chosen to be so.
Very pleased you have posted this - agree entirely with your comments. Unfortunately, it was a very naive, uncalled for attempt to vent his pent up anger towards Osborne. Too much time spent on this Forum I fear!
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Post by Yorkieandy »

Plainmoor78 wrote: 01 May 2018, 16:29 I think you have got this all out of context. Higgins and Lathorpe are in the position of having their careers finished, whilst having to support their families and I doubt very much those two earned an absolute fortune during the careers. They are both victims of fate which can befall anyone, they didn't choose for what has happened to them to occur, it is bad fortune.
The fans make their sacrifice out of choice. They don't have to attend matches or pay for raffle tickets etc. You yourself have made a choice not to attend matches, so can anyone. If the fans are victims of is because they have chosen to be so.
I understand what you are saying and i agree with all of it but you unintentionally miss the whole point which in a nutshell is that the club should be focusing on giving the fans something back and they seem to want to thank others (ex players etc) but not fans. There doesn't ever appear to be a balance. The club can help both players at the end of a traumatic season for them but they then need to help the fans at the end of a traumatic season for them also. Not that i'm comparing having a serious heart condition to watching Torquay lose at Dover but i'd hope my point would come across.

None of my post was anything detrimental to the players mentioned who i hope benefit in some way from the kindness of the Torquay fans and the club.

Fair reply P78.
Last edited by Yorkieandy on 01 May 2018, 18:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Yorkieandy »

ACW2IOW wrote: 01 May 2018, 16:54 Very pleased you have posted this - agree entirely with your comments. Unfortunately, it was a very naive, uncalled for attempt to vent his pent up anger towards Osborne. Too much time spent on this Forum I fear!
Unfortunately i can't say fair post to this. Totally misunderstood the point of the post and intentionally so. You can't win 'em all. :-/
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Post by Yorkieandy »

You try and stick up for fans and try to explain a valid point i think i have and get the same old flak which is very disheartening i have to say but not unexpected.
Last edited by Yorkieandy on 01 May 2018, 18:14, edited 1 time in total.
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