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by Zelda
15 Jan 2011, 10:58
Forum: General Talk
Topic: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...
Replies: 1160
Views: 144675

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

HRG wrote:I got my husband the Sons of Anarchy seasons 1 & 2 boxset for Christmas. People have been raving about it so I'm willing to give it a go.
Well, it was a bit much for my sensibilities...but I maybe am becoming Mary Whitehouse in my old age :Oops:
by Zelda
14 Jan 2011, 23:06
Forum: General Talk
Topic: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...
Replies: 1160
Views: 144675

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

All sorted. Thank you. I did watch Sons of Anarchy...once. What has been seen cannot be unseen...
by Zelda
14 Jan 2011, 22:55
Forum: General Talk
Topic: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...
Replies: 1160
Views: 144675

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Being a Sons of Anarchy widow :evil: :evil: and not being able to whinge to Jane via PM because my PM privileges have been taken away...dearest Mods, I ain't no spammer!
by Zelda
03 Dec 2010, 12:17
Forum: General Talk
Topic: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...
Replies: 1160
Views: 144675

Re: Have Your Whinging Moan Here ...

Angelina Jolie. Maternity Services pillow shortage. Ninja incubators. Buses sailing past you when you re trying to get home after a night shift and when you do manage to get the bus, having a person with a persistent, productive cough sit behind you…every time. Old women who get to the checkout and are taken by surprise that they have to actually pay for their shopping and spend an eternity looking for their purse. The Co-op local inconvenience store. The vet s receptionist laughing at the fact my cat s called Jeff. Christmas greed. Thatcher still sucking in air. Facebook. People eating while they re on the phone. Flybe. Next-door-but-two s dog. Apostrophe abuse. The Ulster Bank cash machine that only does multiples of 20. 31st December. Going abroad…do not want, but why does that make me a bad person? Sharing a work locker with someone who has a penchant for Yorkshire s Finest James Martin and has stuck his picture on the door…words fail me.
by Zelda
07 Sep 2010, 20:38
Forum: General Talk
Topic: Fave ads
Replies: 16
Views: 3115

Re: Fave ads

westbaygull wrote:I just need to post this to perk up a wee chumlette

and it got me wondering, what are the all time great ads? I was always fond of the 'watch out, watch out, there's a Humphrey about...' ones back in the day (sucks on pipe...) and more recently the Carlsberg ones. Not that they made me buy milk (ewww) or lager.

Anyone have childhood memories of, um, advertising...?
Thanks missus, worth a rofl or two :lol:

As far as my faves are concerned: Joe and Petunia rock! Oh yeah and something about not playing with a frisbee near an electricity sub-station. Public Information Fillum linky: ... _films.htm