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by wodger of awabia
13 Feb 2016, 10:48
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Staying Full-time?
Replies: 24
Views: 3742

Staying Full-time?

forevertufc wrote:Think it's right for the club to try and stay full time. This is no gem, nothing new being said here by me, but we only have to take one look at the jobs market around this area, and if don't know it, just sign up to a recruitment website, and the reality will soon dawn on you, £13k-14K if your lucky you might get more than £15k a year.

Heard many say about moving the training base London, this will not work either, for a start cost, the cost of renting a training base in the London would be some way beyond our club, and you still have logistics, still asking a players to travel to play in Torquay, why would they, when for just a few quid less they could train and play in London.

If the club was to go part-time, it will be consigning itself to a future below the national league structure, it must do all it can to stay full time.
Moving to London would be too expensive, West Midlands would be a better option & training facilities could be shared ( rented ) with a local club as most part time training takes place in the evenings.
by wodger of awabia
11 Feb 2016, 12:41
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Staying Full-time?
Replies: 24
Views: 3742

Staying Full-time?

Is this BBC Sport article an example of "spin"?
Have the club got more money than we think, enough to provide full time football?
Assuming that most of the income will be from gate money, will this be enough as admission charges will have to be reduced?
Are the board actively searching out employment & accommodation for attracting the better part time players?

Well I don't know do I ?
by wodger of awabia
04 Feb 2016, 08:56
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Stadium-The Willows
Replies: 161
Views: 19519

New Stadium-The Willows

?????? Well I wonder if the land that interests the Septics (Septic Tanks) (Yanks) is the Stoodley Knowle School site, 65 acres overlooking the sea & Ilsham Valley, a few million bucks would buy the land from the nuns, & development permission from the Council would enable housing from £500k to say £2m. to be constructed. This would be a nice little earner, & certainly worth spending a few million on a football stadium. ??????
by wodger of awabia
03 Feb 2016, 17:15
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Stadium-The Willows
Replies: 161
Views: 19519

New Stadium-The Willows

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!.............. Perhaps Torbay Council should find out why the Chinese built new cricket grounds in the Caribbean!
by wodger of awabia
29 Jan 2016, 16:51
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: It is a sad sad day....
Replies: 47
Views: 5176

It is a sad sad day....

ferrarilover wrote:Wodger, what possible well paid jobs are there in South Devon for a man with a footballer's IQ?

Well not all part time footballers are thick & unemployable, some could be skilled tradesmen, or graduates with a profession. My point is that the board need to be proactive & look into employment & housing.
by wodger of awabia
29 Jan 2016, 12:43
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: It is a sad sad day....
Replies: 47
Views: 5176

It is a sad sad day....

Jeff wrote:Conf South prices tend to be £13 (well at least Bishops Stortford are). Quite what we'd drop too I don't know - you'd think about £15 for a seat would be OK?

I've got my thoughts on how I think the club should go about its business in Conf South, but until that day comes I'll keep my thoughts to myself and back the club in the hope we can somehow get out of this mess

Good Plan!
by wodger of awabia
29 Jan 2016, 11:18
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: It is a sad sad day....
Replies: 47
Views: 5176

It is a sad sad day....

Richinns wrote:Woke up and read the forum fall out and it has left me even more disheartened than when Dover announced Marsh!

I get it – this is a catharsis from a combination of factors….the straw that broke the camels backs….but really ask yourself if this week’s decisions which have been made are really worth throwing your hand in for a club which is in your blood?

Marsh has stated he will never kick a ball for Torquay United again. What do we do? - demand he stays and picks up his wages with the threat he will just that? We are not Man Utd - we cannot let someone rot in the (non-existent) reserves can we!

Fairhurst - has a very valid reason to leave and we have to understand this and be compassionate. As for purely the footballing side of things regarding him - he has not kicked a ball all season! We should be happy to get the risk off the wage bill and have the opportunity to bring someone (who is fit and CAN contribute) in his place.

Shepherd – well let’s be honest! He is just a little bit sh1t! Happily I would take a punt on someone else than he should the manager think they are available.

We (as a fan base) are not going to hound the manager out now are we? The time has been and gone should the board wished to have made that decision. If the fan base wants a change then it will have to come in the summer as a new manager now cannot shape his squad and will only achieve the club further costs which the club can ill afford.
As for some of the ‘personal’ things being said about the CEO, board and manager – well they are nothing short of disgusting. Talk about whether they are the right appointment, talk about them making mistakes but name calling and personal insults are far beyond the line.
Moving onto fans ‘offering’ each other out in the ground? Well it is purely shameful. The recent fallout and name calling has seen one of the best posters (CP Gull) cancel his registration. The forum will be a poorer place with the loss of people such as him. What has this all achieved apart from people no longer contributing to this community?

It is very easy to say things on a keyboard and it is very easy to provide solutions to problems which in the real world cannot be fixed by somebodies ‘idealism’ sat in front of a computer screen. Those that took the club on have given their all to try to solve this mess and it is hurtful enough for them to see the club where it is without the almighty anger which is now being directed their way. I cannot comprehend how they must feel right now - they simply cannot win on whatever decisions they are making as the pitchforks and torches are out ready and waiting every-time something comes out from the club.

Truth told the club are relegated. We all know it and most have somewhat accepted it. However - the club have decided they are going to take one last ‘Hail Mary’ play as we have nothing to lose at this stage for doing so. Let’s see what they bring in as replacements and let’s hope they click and let’s dream the impossible dream.

Regardless – I will be back for more next season as long as there is a club to return to.
I would hope that the board have already realised this, & are busy planning for next season in the South ( or with our luck the North ). I can't see the point in throwing money at new players that we will most likely not be able to afford next season, as they will no doubt ask for two year contracts if they are to move to this area. I assume that admission prices will have to be lowered to be in line with other South teams, & budgets will have to be re-calculated. What are the normal ticket prices in the South? I.M.O. the task for the remainder of the season is to head hunt players that are out of contract at the end of the season. If these players are to be part time then reasonably well paid jobs, & suitable accommodation will have to be found for them. It's no good sacking the manager again, give the bloke a half decent chance to sort things out, If we had kept Hargreaves we would most likely have been lower mid table, but out of trouble, if we had kept & supported Ling then I think we would still be in L2. We are not going to get a fully experienced "Super Manager" in the South, for a start they will not to up-sticks & move down here given our recent "manager sacking" history.
by wodger of awabia
18 Jan 2016, 10:57
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Can the squad be strengthened enough to save us?
Replies: 134
Views: 22416

Can the squad be strengthened enough to save us?

yellowforever wrote:Adriano Moke?
No, no you're wrong, it's Adrian Mole! :whistle: :whistle:
by wodger of awabia
13 Jan 2016, 21:04
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Tuesdays game - OFF
Replies: 32
Views: 4848

Tuesdays game - OFF

Gloomy Gull wrote:Article in the Herald suggests that the Groundshare with Truro will generate £60k of which £30k> will be spent in the summer on improving the drainage of the pitch.

On those calculations there will be c.£30k of additional cash available.

I assume that each club keeps the gate receipts for their own matches? If that is the case, does anyone know if each club is responsible for their own match day costs (e.g. stewards/policing etc.) ?

If Torquay receives the £60k as "rent" will the board need to factor in ongoing running costs for the Truro match days e.g. utilities?

Trying to understand if this arrangement will result in a significant amount of cash being left over, after ground improvements, in Torquays favour, or if some/most/all of the remaining monies will be required to cover the costs of running 50+ games per season
Well £30k seems to be a huge amount to spend for 3 or 4 postponements per season ,surely it would be cheaper to hire in a couple of those County Cricket sponge roller machines as & when, after all they are not being used in the Cricket closed season
by wodger of awabia
22 Dec 2015, 09:25
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: A Word of Sympathy for the Current Board.
Replies: 130
Views: 14937

A Word of Sympathy for the Current Board.

I don't think there is much the current board or K N can do to improve the team unless money is available, It would be nice if Argyle, Exeter & Yeovil could each lend us one or two of their 1st. team extras at no cost.
by wodger of awabia
20 Dec 2015, 11:16
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: A Word of Sympathy for the Current Board.
Replies: 130
Views: 14937

A Word of Sympathy for the Current Board.

I have every sympathy for the current board after the mess that the last board left the club in, their mistake was sacking Ling & not supporting him, & employing the clown Knill, since this appointment the club has sunk lower & lower almost by the day. If there is no money to bring in 5 or 6 experienced players, then I think relegation will be a certainty, we are 8 points adrift ( 7 + 1 extra for goal difference ) so to get back in touch we most likely need to win 4 of the next 6 games. On current form this will not happen with this team. I hope that the board realise this & are meeting to plan the strategy for next season in the South. There is no doubt that Tqy will be the biggest/best supported team in this league , & given a decent team & results, gates should rise to 2,000+ . Decisions need to be made in the next few weeks re sounding out decent players who are out of contract at the end of the season, employing some, or all semi pro players & finding them jobs in this area, & other footballing staff matters. The vast majority of the teams in the South are within 80 miles of central London, so we will still be miles away from the other teams, certainly not a case of hopping on a 36 bus to get to away games.
by wodger of awabia
19 Dec 2015, 11:13
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Chester FC v Torquay United
Replies: 159
Views: 12462

Chester FC v Torquay United

Gullscorer wrote: Given the club's dire financial situation it has probably done the most sensible thing to save a bit of money until KN brings in a goalkeeper/coach in the New Year as stated. However, if the club finds itself in a situation where it needs to sign an emergency keeper during the next two weeks one would hope that KN already has a keeper lined up for such an eventuality. The question then is, having signed up this local keeper, will KN be allowed to sign the emergency keeper? Common sense says yes, but what are the rules?
I don't understand why Tqy need a goalkeeping coach, surely they could share one with Exeter & ( or ) Plymouth for specialist sessions.
by wodger of awabia
03 Nov 2015, 12:09
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Martin ling
Replies: 569
Views: 41986

Martin ling

Good luck to him, he was treated very badly be the board, who instead of supporting him, sacked him & employed the clown Knill
by wodger of awabia
03 Oct 2015, 09:27
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Relocate Torquay?
Replies: 14
Views: 1707

Relocate Torquay?

chunkygull wrote:For christs sake the way people go on you would think nobody from the westcountry, south west or Devon ever kicked a football before, what would be wrong with trying a few players who are geograpically within reach. They surely cant be worse than some of those lured down here from elsewhere, some of these untried youth players we get from clubs have never played mens football even though they have come from good clubs they are still only learning. Why would some part timers from Brum be that much better than a part timer from close to home with the right training etc. We have ignored local talent for too many years already. They have either slipped through the net and been signed elsewhere or our club hasnt even bothered with them because the coaching, management, academy staff, scouting network all stem from parts elsewhere (oop north, brum, London etc). Quite a few times I have read on here that down the years other regional clubs have scouts at local games or tournaments etc and our presence is missing. Dont see why in the current financial climate that a few of the best of the best local talent couldnt be affiliated with TUFC on a part time basis and even top up the squad rather than paying a lot of money for players not that great to come here and maybe only make the bench, Mr Bateson mentioned in the interview last week something along those lines. What harm could a local part time player do coming off the bench for 10-15 minutes if needed, couldnt be any worse than some of the crap we get coming here and I reckon because of their status and possibly being from the around the area they would likely show more pride and would bust a gut and try a lot harder than most also.
Is it because most of these kids have already been "bagged" at the age of 8 to 10 by Plymouth ,Exeter, Chelsea etc.?
by wodger of awabia
02 Oct 2015, 23:01
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Relocate Torquay?
Replies: 14
Views: 1707

Relocate Torquay?

Yes,but the whole point is that players will not re-locate to Tqy. they don't want to move away from their families & can't afford the high cost of housing in Devon.This is why Tqy. have to offer good wages & two year contracts to attract decent players. Would you "up sticks" for a one year contract? Most of the local players in South Devon are not good enough to play in the Birmingham Premier League, let alone Conference football with Tqy.