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by gullpower
04 Sep 2016, 08:47
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.
Replies: 53
Views: 7378

New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.

portugull wrote:As the originator of this post last November I have been reading with interest the recent posts started by chunkygull a week ago.
Now that GIL are hopefully history the future of our Club is reaching a really crucial stage given that cash is very tight and TUST do not have, as of today, the financial muscle to make a bid for the Club.
I am currently making a detailed study of all the Clubs owned by their fans in both the Football League and the National League.
The more I think about it the more I am convinced that the only way forward is for the fans to buy the Club but as ever the difficult part is how we go about a deal and how we finance the buy out.
Maybe talk to TUST as well?
by gullpower
04 Sep 2016, 08:41
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Eunan O'Kane
Replies: 101
Views: 19334

Eunan O'Kane

tomogull wrote: I can sort of understand your thinking. After that 7 - 3 thrashing by Bromley last season, followed by a 2 - 1 home defeat by Boreham Wood (who ??? asked my son who lives away from the area) three days later, I was close to saying 'enough is enough'. But I kept golng and there was definitely a change of attitude in the team when Kevin Nicholson took over. We have had a rocky start but the team is now looking much more resilient and playing some good football at times. So don't write them off, Burnham. We hit rock bottom last season but Nicho is turning things around on the field.
by gullpower
03 Sep 2016, 08:05
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Eunan O'Kane
Replies: 101
Views: 19334

Eunan O'Kane

"What did we see last week at Torquay, the team lost 2 games on the spin away from home, and seven days later 400 went missing of our home gate, shows the pathetic nature of some, of our clubs fan base, now that's a frustration I do have."

To be fair forevertufc, the Dover game when the 400 went missing was on a bank holiday. I suspect a lot of those missing fans were away for the weekend or fulfilling family commitments. I also suspect that they were following the game on their phones and wishing they were there!
by gullpower
01 Sep 2016, 23:26
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.
Replies: 53
Views: 7378

New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.

fred disley wrote:I stand corrected by Gullpower,he is right in seeing the bigger picture and stating the only objective is the long term survival of Torquay United. Perhaps in my rose tinted glasses mode I was hoping for something more, at least back in the league before I get too old to trudge up the steps of the family stand. I suppose the way we have lurched from disaster to disaster over the last few seasons I just wish for a close season when we start the new season with the same board that finished the last,the same manager,and I am sure that Nicholson with another season under his belt will be a wanted commodity. More than three players under contract for the following season and no asset stripping companies having our board over for the majority of the break, I think these things equate to stability, A very unusual concept for our club.
fred disley :goodpost: Let's hope together. Dream in yellow!
by gullpower
01 Sep 2016, 12:26
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.
Replies: 53
Views: 7378

New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.

Plainmoor78 wrote:Both of the last two posts make very valid points. Fred is correct in saying that community owned clubs cannot compete at the top levels of the game due to finance and are no guarantee of success. There have also been some spectacular failures such as Stockport county. But gullpower is equally correct in saying that the teams mentioned would not exist today without community ownership. It seems though that community ownership only exists when other private interests decide there is no money to made from the existing club, so the trusts that take over these clubs are already on a hiding to nothing. What I find extremely concerning is the fact we seem to be paying out a lot of money just to survive. We took a loan from GI it seems just to get to the end of last season, and I believe the reason we pay Thea Bristow 50% of all transfer income is due to a loan of £200,000 she made to the club just to keep it going last year. Where on earth are we going to get the money survive this season?

"It seems though that community ownership only exists when other private interests decide there is no money to made from the existing club, so the trusts that take over these clubs are already on a hiding to nothing." Spot on! And this is why it is important that TUST becomes involved now, rather than leaving it until TUST are the buyers of last resort.

Join TUST, dream in yellow.
by gullpower
01 Sep 2016, 10:11
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.
Replies: 53
Views: 7378

New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.

fred disley wrote:I am a TUST member, I support their long term aims, but could they walk in and run the club ,The gulf between a group of enthusiastic and committed individuals that are the TUST and successfully running a multi million pound enterprise is massive and not to be underestimated.
My biggest reservation to community ownership is the success factor, or lack of it, in terms of on the field activity. I have spent far too much time recently researching the community ownership principle, there are no stand out success stories , Darlington, Chester, Exeter, Wimbledon and Portsmouth,all are finding life very difficult, I know Wimbledon got promoted last year but by their own fans comments they cannot compete in division one because they do not have the revenue to attract division one players.
If any of you can bear to type the words Exeter fans forum, then be brave and have a look, those that post on this site and I am not saying they are a majority, hate being community owned and one thread that gets more than its fair share of coverage is the lack of information supplied by the trust on the running of the club, an instance being the three million they got for Ashley Grimes, none of which has gone back to the playing budget, this theme seems to ring a bell with our club.
In the short term, a seat on the board would be a very productive start for TUST, whether they go further and make a play for the ownership of the club is open for discussion.
None of the clubs that you have named would exist today without their supporters trusts or the help given from Supporters Direct. With that in mind, although we all want to see our teams succeed, when the prospect of not having your club is a real one then maybe just being able to go and watch them should be enough.

However, you do not mention Swansea City where the supporters trust owns 21% of the club and has 2 directors on the board.

As I have said on another post somewhere on the forum, why when the board are looking for sources of new investment do they ignore TUST? A seat or two on the board, depending on how much TUST raised and invested, would allow TUST to gain some experience in the running the club. As you rightly point out, the gulf between a group of committed fans running a supporters trust and running a multi million pound enterprise is massive. This is why trusts that have bought clubs as the purchaser of last resort have made mistakes and why it makes sense for David Phillips and the board to allow TUST to invest much needed money in the club and at the same time gain valuable experience in its running.
by gullpower
30 Aug 2016, 16:53
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 80
Views: 11829


Plainmoor78 wrote: The site actually looks dormant. This isn't helped by the lack of any news on the site or the current date. No actual indication that TUST is actually active.

Following on from taxilady, the TUST board are democratically elected by the members and there is an annual AGM. I don't think I've looked at the website much since joining as I receive all the info through regular emails. Unless there is a member with the necessary IT know how, updating the web site as regularly as the emails are sent out would sap funds.

Join TUST, dream in yellow.
by gullpower
29 Aug 2016, 21:23
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.
Replies: 53
Views: 7378

New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.

Plainmoor78 wrote:I think I remember reading somewhere that football trust membership take up is around 15% to 20% of a clubs average crowd, so TUST are doing as well as can be expected in that matter. That said I think the membership fee of £2 a month is too low. The TUST will never be able to build up an adequate fighting fund in a reasonable space of time and this may be why some fans do not take it seriously.
£2 is a nominal fee. Members also contribute through donations and the lottery.
by gullpower
29 Aug 2016, 08:39
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.
Replies: 53
Views: 7378

New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.

I have nailed my TUST colours firmly to the mast on this thread and I can see the logic of the last paragraph of the post above.

However, I'm certain that if supporter ownership became a realistic possibility fans would join to invest. I was with two life long die hard Gulls fans last night, neither are members of TUST but they would invest in the club given the chance.
by gullpower
29 Aug 2016, 08:03
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 80
Views: 11829


Forest gull wrote:
Joined :scarf:
Well done, COYY :goal: Duplicate post (which I can't delete!) due to gremlins!!!
by gullpower
29 Aug 2016, 08:01
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 80
Views: 11829


Forest gull wrote:
Joined :scarf:
Well done, COYY :goal:
by gullpower
27 Aug 2016, 17:59
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: MOTM - Dover
Replies: 20
Views: 1868

MOTM - Dover

by gullpower
27 Aug 2016, 09:26
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.
Replies: 53
Views: 7378

New Share Issue In Torquay United F. C.

I would be reluctant to buy shares that did not in some small way give me a say in the decision making at the club.

As I understand it, it is being suggested that fans buy non-voting shares, their investment being recouped if/when the club is sold.

The Supporters Direct model of fan ownership is a proven method of fans investing in their club and having an influence on the decision making, whereas the purchase of non-voting shares would not.

I recommend Punk Football: The Rise of Fan Ownership in English Football by Jim Keoghan as a must read. Even if you are not an advocate of fan ownership there is enough in this book on the history of the game and the mismanagement of owners to make you not want to put it down. It also gives a balanced view of the subject, the pitfalls as well as the advantages. Of course all Gulls fans should rip out the chapter on The Scum.
by gullpower
27 Aug 2016, 08:18
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 80
Views: 11829


Forest gull wrote:How can I join the TUST
Here you go.

And it only costs 50 pence a week!

Do all fans realise that's all it is? Perhaps an ad on the scoreboard before a match and at half time would help get the message out. Any sponsors for the ad out there?
by gullpower
27 Aug 2016, 00:11
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 80
Views: 11829


tomogull wrote: By co-incidence, TUST members will have received a comprehensive and i would say encouraging report from this week's meeting between the Board and TUST. At last there seems to be some co-operation and agreement to work together - hooray !!! The thinking behind a new GRASS pitch with additional facilities at Nightingale Park are explained in more detail as well.
Have just read the report of the meeting. Very encouraging. Fingers crossed that this is the start of a closer and more productive relationship between TUST and the board.