Search found 112 matches

by S4fedr1ve
30 Nov 2016, 18:25
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Dagenham v Torquay 29/11/16
Replies: 53
Views: 10041

Dagenham v Torquay 29/11/16

Trouble is in a few peoples minds you are only as good as your last performance. You lose and all the doom mongers come out of the woodwork. You win and heyho where are they, stony silence. you lose again "sack Nico hes not up to it". Pretty pathetic really.

Nicos doing a top job on and off the pitch in very difficult circumstances. In my view this is still the case if we should lose the next match.
by S4fedr1ve
30 Nov 2016, 09:20
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Dagenham v Torquay 29/11/16
Replies: 53
Views: 10041

Dagenham v Torquay 29/11/16

Excellent result last night. So pleased for all at club especially the manager who is doing a good job in very difficult circumstances.
by S4fedr1ve
24 Nov 2016, 18:49
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The Pavilion
Replies: 1
Views: 647

The Pavilion

Hi Orange gull,

To the best of my knowledge plans are a foot to demolish it and build a hotel. The first design was thrown out because of the height of proposed building. So a lower building is being considered. Problems regarding car parking as well i think.

I dont live in Torquay so im not 100% sure on the above.

by S4fedr1ve
20 Nov 2016, 18:45
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: A Midlands Consortium
Replies: 53
Views: 11475

A Midlands Consortium

Dazza wrote:I think the Board need to be congratulated for all their hard work whether this comes to anything or not. A lot of uninformed flack has been flung there way and it must be bloody hurtful. Right or wrong they have always acted in the clubs interest . Its easy to slag people off - i very much hope that when a history of the club gets written at its next anniversary these people get a chapter of their own.
I hope all well this week for the club and for them
by S4fedr1ve
17 Nov 2016, 13:22
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: FUNNY Jokes, FUNNY Tubes & FUNNY Video Clips
Replies: 836
Views: 215989

FUNNY Jokes, FUNNY Tubes & FUNNY Video Clips

Plane is about to crash with 4 passengers on board but only 3 parachutes.
Passenger 1 "im Wayne Rooney a famous footballer my club and fans need me". So he takes the first pack and jumps.

Passenger 2 "I'm Donald trump newly elected president of the USA and the most intelligent man in the world" so he takes a pack and jumps.

Passenger 3 says to the 4th passenger who is a 10 year old boy, " I'm the pope an old man you my son have your life in front of you so you take the last parachute"
The boy replies " that's ok your holiness we can both jump the most intelligent man in the world took my school bag"
by S4fedr1ve
16 Nov 2016, 16:51
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: FUNNY Jokes, FUNNY Tubes & FUNNY Video Clips
Replies: 836
Views: 215989

FUNNY Jokes, FUNNY Tubes & FUNNY Video Clips

:} Man A, Thank god for brexit now all those poles who have taken all our jobs can go back whence they came.

Man B Really, did you know that in the Second World War 35000 poles came to this country as soldiers, sailers and airmen to help us fight for our as well as there freedom. Many of these flew in the Battle of Britain. The largest foreign fighting force in this country apart from the French. Part of Churchills few.

Man A, There you go you see they were even pinching our jobs then.
by S4fedr1ve
15 Nov 2016, 21:05
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New Owners - Soon?
Replies: 163
Views: 32191

New Owners - Soon?

hector wrote:Merse suggests again on BPIR that he has been tipped off this morning that it is a done deal and that GI/Masters consortium will take over with Tully as manager. This is the second time he has stated this and I wouldn't bet against it being true.

It's obvious anyway that Masters/GI are behind a lot of stuff and it is the worst possible outcome in my view. I just hope Torbay Council refuse to sell them the ground but watch the charm offensive that the Herald will no doubt fall for when the campaign for the ground to be sold mounts up.

Protecting a senior football team in Torquay for the long-term depends on the ground not falling into the clutches of Masters/GI. We might be vulnerable now - but watch how desperate it becomes once the sharks get their teeth into our club.
I think we are beyond the "vulnerable" stage. More like s**t creek and the paddles went overboard along while ago. GI or no GI. Masters or no Masters something has to happen pretty quick.
by S4fedr1ve
14 Nov 2016, 17:56
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Guiesley V Torquay Sat 12th November 3pm
Replies: 135
Views: 17839

Guiesley V Torquay Sat 12th November 3pm

1/Blame the manager. Well he's doing the best he can on half a shoestring. Last seasons turnaround was amazing. I trust him to do it again.
2/ Blame the board. Well sure mistakes have been made. They are doing what they can to keep the club running on very little income.
3/Blame the players. Well maybe but if they are generally not good enough for this level then as long as they are doing there best!! can you really.

So the blame in my humble opinion should be directed elsewhere

A/ The previous administration, for getting us in this s**t in the first place just chucking around the Bristow family money. and watching it disappear.
B/ The greedy premier league while they rake in the millions in tv revenue the small clubs are just forgotton.
C/ The fans of these premier league clubs who live hundreds of miles away from these places but would rather watch Manchester sainsburys v Manchester tesco or chelsea waitrose v arsenal morrisons on telly than go a mile down the road and support there local team Torquay cornershop.

points AB and C really p**s me off.
by S4fedr1ve
10 Nov 2016, 22:40
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Clinton or Trump..??
Replies: 56
Views: 6623

Clinton or Trump..??

im with Jerry here. I have posted this before but i live with a Polish girl and know a number of her Polish friends. Most of them have had comments directed at them since Brexit some of it in the same vain as Jerrys comments others the "what a shame what are you going to do now, when do you think you will have to go home? "type which although not deliberately nasty does make them feel uneasy and still unwelcome.

Amazing that English people cant go into these Polish shops in Shirley, i certainly have never had any problems in Exeter i often shop alone in the Polish shops and the Poles are always friendly towards me. Do they have signs up saying Polish only? I agree that this is totally wrong.

by S4fedr1ve
09 Nov 2016, 17:11
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Clinton or Trump..??
Replies: 56
Views: 6623

Clinton or Trump..??

Obviously rigged then

At least they can kick him out after 5 years. We are bl**dy stuck with brexit.
by S4fedr1ve
06 Nov 2016, 09:56
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Fans Forum-TONIGHT. Doors open 6pm for 7pm start
Replies: 123
Views: 16090

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

Oh come on let's not look too deeply into the Exeter situation. Trust or no trust they would have dissapeared a long time ago without some lucky cup draws and one or two big money transfers. Yes maybe they made there own luck but nothing you can rely on.
by S4fedr1ve
05 Nov 2016, 10:01
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Fans Forum-TONIGHT. Doors open 6pm for 7pm start
Replies: 123
Views: 16090

Fans Forum-TONIGHT • Doors open 6pm for 7pm start

The thing with Mike Bateson was that yes he was only ever going to get us very limited success on the field. But we were stable financially under his stewardship off the field.What we would give for that now.
by S4fedr1ve
04 Nov 2016, 08:11
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 112944

The European Union: We're out...!!! A courageous decision...!!!

Really, and there i was thinking that one of the reasons the" Brexit brigade" wanted out was so that our democratic parliament could once again decide on our laws and our future. Except in this matter by the look of it.

by S4fedr1ve
01 Nov 2016, 18:55
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: FUNNY Jokes, FUNNY Tubes & FUNNY Video Clips
Replies: 836
Views: 215989

FUNNY Jokes, FUNNY Tubes & FUNNY Video Clips

When i die i want the Torquay united players to be my pallbearers. So they can let me down one last time.
by S4fedr1ve
01 Nov 2016, 18:46
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: GI & Masters takeover & Tully in as manager.
Replies: 45
Views: 7132

GI & Masters takeover & Tully in as manager.

IF true then time will tell regarding the takeover. God knows something has to happen. But as stated above Nico in my view is the best manager we have ever had. A big statement i know and i go back to Frank o Farrell days. But no manager has ever done more for this club off the pitch as well as on. I will be gutted if true. And why was Steve Tully got rid of by Truro last year but is now good enough for us. Bizarre IF true.