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by Yorkieandy
28 Apr 2019, 21:24
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Favourite Away Days Next Season?
Replies: 13
Views: 2984

Favourite Away Days Next Season?

Harrogate might end up getting promoted Chris. I was there that night too when it went to pens. Thought i was going to be there all bloody night they went on that long. Great little ground to visit though. The slope was more akin to the old Underhill. They have done remarkably well this season and it wouldn't surprise me to see them go up. Their manager Simon Weaver is a wily Doncastrian like myself who has built them up these last few years. Good side.
by Yorkieandy
28 Apr 2019, 14:53
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cornish, Greeks and that other Green team.
Replies: 62
Views: 10569

Cornish, Greeks and that other Green team.

Dave_Pougher wrote: ↑28 Apr 2019, 14:12 Certainly picking up some negativity here, ... 24512?s=12

'F**k off Scottish cnut'

Isn't that racist? :}
by Yorkieandy
28 Apr 2019, 12:52
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cornish, Greeks and that other Green team.
Replies: 62
Views: 10569

Cornish, Greeks and that other Green team.

forevertufc wrote: ↑28 Apr 2019, 09:18 I would just like to say to any Argyle fan reading this. I have not forgotten the Boreham Wood game, when you guys came with your shirts on, and your Argyle flags and stood shoulder to shoulder with us on the popside singing our songs supporting our club.

I also saw, Brighton, Yeovil shirts, I know there was Exeter fans in the ground that night, the gate would have been less than 1,000 that night, the effort fans of other clubs made to support us was down to the work of Argyle supporters which I'm thankful for.

As far as the rest of it. Let the football club who is without sin cast the first stone, that's it in a nutshell.

I do dislike Argyle though as they employed McCormick who should still be rotting in prison. Although i accept it's not the actual club at fault there just the moron who made the decision to do so.

I also have an intense disregard for those (not all) Argyle fans who put football before the respect of innocent lives lost by supporting McCormick whilst he was in an Argyle shirt. Principles are fine so long as they don't get in the way of your football team eh? If these fans can truly tell themselves they could welcome McCormick into their lives, or even give him a job if they had their own businesses if he'd have wiped out THEIR family then fair play. Trouble is they can't therefore they are thick as pigshit.

I'm sure there are lots of decent Argyle fans however who were as disgusted as i was that they had employed McCormick. Not all football fans are without values which is reassuring.

The fortunate thing for Argyle is that are facing Scunny on Saturday. I was at the Scunny v Bradford game yesterday and judging by that and the recent form of Scunny under caretaker boss Dawson, they are good for 3 points to round off the season for sure. Whether it will be enough to keep them up i'm not sure.

Exeter are probably IMO the prime example of how a lower league club should be run. Yes they've had their luck with the cup runs etc but they've used every last penny wisely and it's a really engaging club who put fans first on the face of it. I went a couple of times last season and was really impressed. So long as they don't sign Adam Johnson then long should that remain.
by Yorkieandy
19 Apr 2019, 14:32
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Thanks to our owner
Replies: 48
Views: 9104

Thanks to our owner

Southampton Gull wrote: ↑14 Apr 2019, 18:36 None so blind as those that won't see.

He's got us back where we were when he started and now the club owe him 7 figures in loans. Fantastic!!

I'll give him some credit when he has us back in the football league and in a shiny new stadium and debt free. I'll also watch those pigs flying way before that ever happens.

Yes I'm enjoying having a team playing attractive football, yes I'm enjoying having an open and honest manager but since when has CO been open and honest?

Enjoy the moment but don't take your eye off the ball for a second!!
Absolutely spot on.

Why praise somebody for achieving nothing? Promotion from NLS has al but been achieved but that only leaves the club in the same position it was in when he took over.

If we chuck in the total chaos his lack of communication has caused during the Owers spell with fans not knowing wtf was going on and bickering left, right and centre then Imo he's been a poor owner so far and desire the euphoria of promotion no doubt, the situation is exactly the same as when he took over just that the club owe him money now.
by Yorkieandy
12 Apr 2019, 16:51
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 12399

TUFC Fans Banned?

sgf wrote: ↑10 Apr 2019, 21:00 :goodpost: can't believe in the week of our most important result of the season this has generated more posts than the match thread.

99% of the fans were a credit yet we give the 1% the airtime they crave.
It's negativity. Human beings love it. That's why newspapers sell and social media is so popular. Because anything negative always attracts a huge number of people. For example, if Gulls fans behaved impeccably throughout the season and won an award for best fans then you'd get a thread about it 2 pages long if that. The moment there are negative issues to highlight you get threads as long as your arm.

If Torquay went through a whole season unbeaten and finished top then it bizarrely would generate far less interest and comment than if they lost every game and finished bottom.

It's harder to give praise than offer criticism and many people like the easy option.
by Yorkieandy
09 Apr 2019, 17:09
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 12399

TUFC Fans Banned?

Wearing a hood is bad enough but when it's about 15 degrees outside? And not raining? Morons in more ways than i'd like to elaborate on which is just as well.
by Yorkieandy
09 Apr 2019, 14:39
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 12399

TUFC Fans Banned?

A similar analogy is that of a footballer who scores a goal and then in the pure joy of the moment he whips off his shirt, throws it to the ground and jumps in to the celebrate with the fans. When the euphoria dies down and he collects his shirt from the turf, the referee issues him with a yellow card for the offence of removing his shirt which is against the rules.

Most passionate football fans can totally understand why the player took his shirt off. It was a instinctive decision made in a split second but by the same token he's broken a rule / law and must then receive the appropriate punishment for the transgression which in this case is a yellow card.

We see it all the time on tv when the pundits feel sympathy for the player but 'by the letter of the law' a yellow card is what must be given.

I think we all understand why fans sometimes run onto the pitch in celebration as it's an instinctive, split second decision borne out of joy but 'by the letter of the law' they all must face sanctions for this, whatever the law states that should be.

Regardless of whether you think it's OTT or not common sense is totally irrelevant. This is the point i was trying to make about any pitch incursion by supporters, not just TUFC supporters. It's a rigid viewpoint but i believe it is the correct one otherwise there would be no regulations to prohibit pitch encroachment at all would there?

In addition to this i think it's reasonable to assume that when a handful of people rush onto the pitch then more will follow as it's an instinctive decision. So you can quickly go from a handful of people to hundreds which then can lead to further issues.

Further issues such as fans who had no inclination to pitch invade now just acting on instinct and following others onto the pitch and but then getting so carried away in this expression of joy and freedom that they then end up doing something undesirable and that they could regret after the event.
by Yorkieandy
08 Apr 2019, 14:22
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 12399

TUFC Fans Banned?

TheElk92 wrote: ↑08 Apr 2019, 14:02 It certainly makes for a spectacle. On a slight tangent, it's interesting that some stadiums in the States, such as at Orlando City, have designated areas for the use of pyro as it's recognised as bringing colour and atmosphere (and therefore all important $$$) into the grounds.
This is something i've been advocating for a while now. IMO there needs to be specific sections at home and away games for fans who want a more 'vibrant' experience at games and fans who are this way inclined can take in flags, drums, controlled pyro or whatever.

The issue we have at lots of grounds nowadays is that fans all want different things when they go to a game. I think we all agree that a group of lads bouncing up and down with flags and smoke bombs stood around young kids and elderly people, or just people who don't appreciate being exposed to this sort of fanaticism isn't going to end well.

If there was a specific section for example at the end of a stand specifically for all this stuff where likeminded fans can go and create an awesome atmosphere whilst at the same time not impacting of those who want a quieter atmosphere then that would be the way forward for me. The issue we have nowadays is that everyone is mingled together and everyone has a different way of supporting their team and that creates problems.

In many ways it's embarrassing how a game (soccer) considered minor a few years ago in the States is now showing us how things should be done. They are spot on with these 'pyro' areas and spot on about the way fans can interact and drink alcohol etc.

I'm not against bringing pyro into grounds and all that stuff so long as it's in specific areas that everyone knows about and it's regulated. At the moment we have the scenario of a few scrotes just letting off the odd flare or smoke bomb around others who have no choice but to be exposed to this simply by the fact they are unwitting sat / stood near to them. This is the main problem IMO and not so much that smoke bombs / flares etc are being brought into grounds.

If you want a quiet, more cerebral day at the footy then stay well away from the pyro end and then nobody can have any complaints because everyone knows which area they prefer to be in and where they stand.

I definitely think it's something worth campaigning for.
by Yorkieandy
08 Apr 2019, 13:20
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 12399

TUFC Fans Banned?

United62 wrote: ↑08 Apr 2019, 12:57 Perhaps you should stick to your own club and stop berating those who enjoyed the brilliant atmosphere at Kingfield on Saturday.

No fines need to be dished out. No banning orders issued. It was a celebration that the Yellow Army have been craving for years FFS! As a non-Torquay United fan you would just not understand the emotion that Wynter's goal sparked.
Perhaps you are right, although i haven't supported any club now for a number of years just to be factually correct. I just watch whoever, whenever and follow a select few very closely. I like your passion and you are definitely right on the last bit. I wouldn't now understand that level of emotion to be felt personally for what was such a significant event in the recent history of TUFC but i can certainly appreciate the concept of that emotional outpouring.

However, that doesn't necessarily make my points invalid.
by Yorkieandy
08 Apr 2019, 12:55
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 12399

TUFC Fans Banned?

TheElk92 wrote: ↑08 Apr 2019, 12:25 Though yourself and others are condoning the (hypothetical) banning of these supporters? I respect that rules are in place. Otherwise you could have complete anarchy. The way the rules are enforced suggests that there is a level of consideration taking into account for the incident in question. Incursions small scale and large happen every single season in every single league, though banning orders do not always following, depending on the specificity of the incident.

Yes, it is unlikely that any of those punishments will be enforced. Again, this is something regularly trotted out on here re. points deductions. Hereford fans were throwing rocks at Stockport support on Saturday, to put our game into a little context. I think they're much more likely to see some form of punishment.

I'm not arguing that people who didn't go on the pitch are less passionate or care less. It's like choosing whether to stand on the terrace, or sit in the stand. It's a question of choice and individual expression that has no reflection on how 'big' a supporter you are. Again, football is unique because its fan culture is passionate and expresses itself in different ways. It's a broad church.

I just find it disappointing that often throughout my time following Torquay, we've been very quick to throw our own under the bus in the name of upholding rules and regulations. The club is seeing a rejuvenation in support that is bringing young people through the gates in impressive numbers. Do some of them act up a bit? Yes. That's young people. Do they care about the club and their hometown? Yes. It's important to remember this when accusing people of being criminals, thugs etc.

God knows, not long ago, it looked like TUFC would never be close enough to a football pitch to contemplate invading it.
Good post. Some reasoned points there and it's hard to disagree.

My only comment would be that by invading the pitch they are committing a criminal act and whilst it's not like robbing a bank it's still a law and that needs to be respected regardless of mitigation. If we all got let off when breaking laws when getting a bit too carried away then there wouldn't be much point in having any laws.

Therefore i feel a small fine would be probably the most appropriate thing in this case. Just my opinion though and i appreciate all your points.
by Yorkieandy
08 Apr 2019, 12:42
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 12399

TUFC Fans Banned?

Wokingham Gull, nobody knows the intentions of an individual running onto the pitch or not. Whether he / she is wearing ludicrous imitation hoolie clothing or not. To the stewards and the players it's simply a person(s) running onto the pitch who potentially could be a danger. I take Louis' point about the misery endured by Gulls fans in recent years but again, there is no leeway for sentiment when it comes to safety. Although Louis' point makes absolute sense.

All what if's but what if someone had run on with a flare, and let it off and somebody got burned or blinded? What if somebody ran on and attacked an opposing player? What if some lads ran on, ran to the home fans and goaded them into running on the pitch also creating pandemonium?

A whole number of potential scenarios that are easily avoided.

I think Louis does make a valid point though and perhaps after the event a bit of common sense could be applied by say fining individuals instead of banning and perhaps that might make most reconsider doing anything similar in future. After all the vast majority of celebratory pitch invaders do so to do just that - celebrate.

Perhaps i'm being too inflexible with my opinion and perhaps fines would be more appropriate? The point still being though that we can't just allow rules to be broken that are put in place for the safety of players, staff and spectators and not go unpunished. The recent high profile incidents of pitch invaders hasn't helped either.
by Yorkieandy
08 Apr 2019, 12:10
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 12399

TUFC Fans Banned?

TheElk92 wrote: ↑08 Apr 2019, 11:58 Yes, I understand that there are rules and regulations but the very reason why football is unique and the most popular sport on earth, is because it evokes passion, it's colourful and creates iconic moments. If everyone acted in accordance with the rules, sat there and clapped then the spirit of football would be very much diminished. It seems that many on here would like that.

Celebrating by entering the pitch and joining the team for what was a matter of seconds versus deliberately endangering someone's safety are very different kettles of fish. I just don't understand this puritanical, absolutist adherence to rules & regulations that people have on the forum. The social media pages are awash with people buzzing about Saturday and enjoying the scenes, yet on here the Stasi are in full swing.

We're taking regular 1000+ away and are about to win the league but we're here discussing conventions on encroaching the pitch and the war crimes of our own fans.
You misunderstand. If you want to join the players and celebrate for a matter of moments then i'm saying if you feel the need then do it. I completely understand the emotion that would lead you to do this. Run onto the pitch, celebrate with the players and have those experiences and memories.

I'm saying that it's against rules / laws to do this so these people need to accept a ban when it comes for breaking those rules / laws. Don't make excuses that it was just over exuberance (which is probably the truth nonetheless) and try to wriggle out of it afterwards.

Also what are the ramifications for the football club? Will the club get fined, points deducted, stands closed etc? Unlikely but it has happened.

It's important to remember that most of the fans who were non pitch invaders at the game are also buzzing and enjoyed the scenes but they aren't as passionate it would seem?
by Yorkieandy
08 Apr 2019, 11:53
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Our League Form under Gary Johnson
Replies: 38
Views: 5505

Our League Form under Gary Johnson

Gary Johnson in the space of a few short months has become a club legend IMO.
by Yorkieandy
08 Apr 2019, 11:44
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 12399

TUFC Fans Banned?

TheElk92 wrote: ↑08 Apr 2019, 11:34 Some of the responses to this thread are absolutely incredible. The fans on the pitch were celebrating, the players were running around hugging the fans. Are you really that miserable that the ecstatic celebration of a goal that seemingly seals this club's first proper title, in the 92nd minute, versus our rivals for the title, after the despair of recent years, is an offence so grave that it is deserving of banishment from supporting the club?

I hope you didn't celebrate the club staying up in 1987 and that you've condemned Netflix for seemingly 'glorifying' the terrible scenes that followed the final whistle that day.

Take a day off from sucking the fun out of everything that doesn't fit the rigid, homogenous view you have football fan culture.
It's illegal and against safety regs. I'm not as officious as Keith Lard but the reason why there are problems at matches is that people cannot control themselves. That's why the rules are there and anyone who breaks them should take responsibility for the actions which is the point of the thread.

Anyone who is that excited at a football match that they are unable to stop themselves running onto the pitch should do that if that's what they want to do. Nobody is saying that they don't understand the elation of a special moment that propels people into doing this, what they are saying, and the point being that it shouldn't be done and if it is then those doing it should be banned.

If i want to celebrate a lottery win by going out, buying a new ferrari, getting plastered and driving to Dundee in my bare feet because i'm over the moon then that's fine if that's what i want to do. The problem is i'm breaking laws and i need to accept the consequences of that after the event. Rules and laws apply in the whole of society and not just in football.
by Yorkieandy
08 Apr 2019, 11:35
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC Fans Banned?
Replies: 73
Views: 12399

TUFC Fans Banned?

JakeB wrote: ↑08 Apr 2019, 09:24 Why would u want to ban your own clubs fans for celebrating a goal?
If the goal is celebrated where it's supposed to be celebrated (in the stands) then nobody needs to get banned. If it gets celebrated by running onto the pitch then without wanting to sound a bit like Alan Partridge and his tete a tete with Ursula Andress, it's contravening a number of laws / regulations and thus a ban should follow.

The majority of fans were able to celebrate happily in the stands and still enjoy the importance of that moment.