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by moneylife
17 Nov 2015, 17:21
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Kids in Free next game
Replies: 9
Views: 1377

Kids in Free next game

My memory may be slightly hazy but I seem to remember if it was under 3000 it was because the away fans had like 20 people over there. maybe im wrong. nevertheless I agree with devonyellow and they should be making it as easy as possible for all to get in. They've got more than 2/3 of the stadium empty every match! It's not rocket science to figure out why this is.
How about a compromise, £7.50 for all, under 16s free. Just sell way more merchandise and foodstuffs at slightly higher prices. I think £15-20 or whatever they charging at this present time is beyond laughable considering the results not to mention the overall ambitions of the club over the last year or so.

At this moment in time, when money in my world is very tight as usual, I'd think it a better investment to take my £20 to Ladbrokes and bet on Barrow, or Guisley or some other team I never heard of to beat Torquay every week!
by moneylife
14 Nov 2015, 16:38
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Barrow v Torquay United
Replies: 183
Views: 18240

Barrow v Torquay United

Kev 57 wrote:Torquay is run by a load of nobodies they know nothing about football and KN was only appointed cuz he lived local complete joke.
so true. Praying now that anybody with 1 or more connections can arrive or we b fukt
by moneylife
14 Nov 2015, 13:03
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Barrow v Torquay United
Replies: 183
Views: 18240

Barrow v Torquay United

Is the game on
by moneylife
12 Nov 2015, 11:28
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: James Hurst suspended by club
Replies: 79
Views: 17665

James Hurst suspended by club

They are all useless. Ive decided. Sod them all cba caring about it no more. Tufc has no ambition or belief they can progress in the league.... not fun any more

Added in 9 minutes 52 seconds:
RussianGull wrote:David Thomas reckons he's on his way out. From the WMN:

"Meanwhile, United's leading scorer James Hurst was expected to leave Plainmoor this week after being suspended by the club."

Read more: ... z3rBaRe769

Good! We dont need any alcoholic walking egos in the squad fullstop
by moneylife
11 Nov 2015, 12:19
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Kids in Free next game
Replies: 9
Views: 1377

Kids in Free next game

I see on the OS kids are getting in free with a paying adult. This is an ok move, but if I'm honest many of the kids will not continue to visit once they price goes back up and also even less will continue into adulthood.

I have mentioned this topic and upset several people in the process before (::cough:: The one who loves Ferraris)

I think dropping ticket prices to £5 or similar for a long session of say 3-5 home games, would generate a much bigger crowd and also a crowd full of passionate adult fans (most kids can get £5 to come if they really want to aswell)

We could have a cauldron of noise from the pop-stand, but instead I fear you will all be hearing the harrowing high pitched noise from the family stand with all the kids chanting 'Torquay, Torquay' - which is great fun for the kids and families but doesn't quite give the same vibes off to the players, opponents and rest of our support.

Please dont misunderstand me, I love to see youngsters involved in the support. And am happy for them to get in for free every week tbh. But I don't think it fixes the right problem. You need to make going to the games accessible for everyone, not just little kids. And to be 100% frank with you (by you, I mean the owners of Torquay United, theres not a cats chance in hell I'd pay in the region of £20 to watch this bunch. I could go watch Arsenal or Man U in the Champions League for somewhere similar to £30 so get real!!!

I can tell you all 100% as I know several hundred people locally who agree with me for many years... We all just 'know' that TUFC is way overpriced and no value, and therefore there is a stigma that has been around for probably over 10 years now, a stigma which implies you are a moron if you go to Plainmoor and waste all that time and money. Back in the Kevin Hodges days we used to all get in for free and crowds got close to 4,000 every match. I personally had an airhorn which used to get everyone going used only at start of game and when we score goals and everyone used to love going to the matches, we used to regularly push for promotions to league one/div3.

Since ticket pricing as been over £10-15, what progress has the club shown??? None, its gone backwards steadily every year in both crowd numbers, budget, general support and most importantly league status (or lack of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) SORT IT FOOKIN OUT, RANT OVER NOW !! PEACE ;-) :engflag:
by moneylife
11 Nov 2015, 12:07
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: James Hurst suspended by club
Replies: 79
Views: 17665

James Hurst suspended by club

The best players don't drink at all. especially not hours before kickoff. He's got some growing up to do me thinks and it could go either way. It sounds like this incident from other day was very very regretful but hopefully nothing too serious and no-one was seriously hurt. If that is the case, hopefully he can move on from it having learned a lesson, and hopefully focus that energy into winning us some matches and moving his own career forwards at the same time.

And falling out with the team and/or manager is no excuse for getting drunk and hitting people. If he continues to behave like an idiot after this suspension is finished (if ever!) then I think it would be best to ask him to actually sack him as quickly as possible.

Likewise if he doesnt show and prove 100% regret over this behaviour then sadly its time for instant bye-byes if I was in charge at TUFC
by moneylife
27 Oct 2015, 20:27
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 72681

Cox Resigns

Richinns wrote: George (or Georg!) told us weeks ago

Aaahhhhh! In that case I will just go away and cry then as it must be a fact!

By the way... can anybody tell me who the fuk is Georg??
by moneylife
27 Oct 2015, 20:25
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Foooood!
Replies: 6
Views: 1322


I agree 100%. Its like we are purposely backwards and so very Westcountry lol
by moneylife
27 Oct 2015, 20:14
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 72681

Cox Resigns

Scott Brehaut wrote:No point - this club will cease to exist in four days....
That's a bit strong init?? How do you know this?
by moneylife
26 Oct 2015, 00:11
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Achilli Campion
Replies: 13
Views: 3509

Achilli Campion

Praying for some juicy loan signings
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
by moneylife
25 Oct 2015, 08:45
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: The Yells, George, Mushroom et al thread
Replies: 48
Views: 5789

The Yells, George, Mushroom et al thread

Losing 3 0 against Basingstoke...... a new low?
by moneylife
17 Oct 2015, 15:10
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: ticket pricing
Replies: 33
Views: 3545

ticket pricing

ferrarilover wrote: So, you've disagreed with proven concepts like PED and your English comprehension is dreadful. Starting to see why you've got a sh*t job and you have to struggle through life.

You're a loser, the world doesn't care and nor do Torquay United. It's no good whinging on about how unfair it all is, put that effort into redressing your half of the deal.

I f**king hate limp wristed wetbags like you who spend more time and energy moaning and looking for a free ride than they do putting themselves in a better position. This is precisely why we need to do away with free healthcare and the welfare state. Sink or swim, I'm afraid.

WOW! well that told me lol! I'll just stop my lifelong support for my local side coz FerrariLover 5 Stars is telling me too. LOLZ get a life lad
by moneylife
12 Oct 2015, 18:38
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: ticket pricing
Replies: 33
Views: 3545

ticket pricing

ferrarilover wrote:You could always get a better job.

The world doesn't owe you a living and Torquay (a private company) doesn't owe you access to its product. Try writing to Ferrari and tell them to sell 500 cars at £45, you know, so the lame and the lazy can afford them.



But Ferrari dont struggle to sell their cars. TUFC struggles to fill one quarter of its stadium?? That comparison is pathetic and from what I hear Ferrari drivers normally hiding from something inadequate about themselves anyway

by moneylife
10 Oct 2015, 14:48
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: ticket pricing
Replies: 33
Views: 3545

ticket pricing

thanks for your replies guys. But I must admit I disagree with the simple maths above. As more bums in seats is worth the minor less ticket revenue. There will be a much better atmos at the stadium each week and also why not sell things such as overpriced Gulls rattles and horns and inflatable gulls etc. Im sure if many got in for free they would happily spend £10-20 inside which would of otherwise stayed in their pockets.

I think if popside was free for the rest of the season we would be topping 4000 every match by end of it

Food for thought anyway, quick income is ok but think about the bigger picture sometimes.
by moneylife
10 Oct 2015, 14:45
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Cox Resigns
Replies: 798
Views: 72681

Cox Resigns

chunkygull wrote:I really do like most of the content of your post moneylife and you are spot on. Especially the middle paragraph. It is part of the problem and has been ever since I can remember that TUFC and its fans and the locals have been down on theirselves. There rarely has ever been any positive message coming out of the club, there has always been that lack of ambition and "oh, we have no money" or we are are only little old Torquay. It just breeds negativity through the club, its fanbase and community.

I'm not talking about lying, pretending or putting out false hope but the negative tone which always seems to rear its head does not help. Not blaming anyone from the current board or anything they have done, its been the case for years. We are currently in the brown stuff financially and on the pitch, and I know the fans and locals have to be informed of the situation to try and get them to come and support, but the message has been continually negative and in some ways that will push people away.

Look at us now, all we hear from fans and club or read in the paper or forums is we have no money, we are sh*t, we are only little old Torquay -

We lost again, but what do you expect we have no money we are only Torquay.
We are bottom of the table, but what do you expect we have no money we are only Torquay.
We have sh*t players who cant even pass the ball, but what do you expect we have no money we are only Torquay.

We get better attendances than most clubs in this league and even a few in league 2, and I suspect many of those clubs have no money either, many are part time, yet they still have ambition, they still try harder and harder, they still put in 100%, they still beat us. I would like to hear a lot more "COME ON WE CAN DO THIS", rather than "well, we will do our best, but what do you expect"

Lack of any positivity and ambition did for us in Martin Lings first season, now it could kill us off, we know about the finances, the message has got through, now we need to rally, now we are virtually rock bottom we need to start looking up and not look back, we arent the smallest club in this league and likely not the poorest, we can do this and when we get through this season, money or not we need to start being positive and climbing that table, lets then spread the word and get people thinking there is a good thing here and lets get behind it instead of telling all how small and rubbish we are, because that will not get people through the turnstile.

Thanks Chunkygull, its really good to know there are other fans out there thinking this and it isnt just me lol!
You've summed up my sentiments exactly in a much better way.

Im really hoping Nico doesnt take this kind of easy-way-out approach with the press/media/fans and I hope he questions every time we fail to win a game at this level.

The budget is tight so I will be looking to support the club in the best way I can, but I also hope they have some cleverdicks there who can start using the massive pulling power that is professional football and turn it into money making oppurtunities.
Also I would love to see a full stadium, even if it means FREE tickets for Popsiders and just sell way more food and merchandise at the ground to the 5000 that will suddenly show up.