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by DerbyshireGull
08 Jul 2014, 23:22
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Martin Ling
Replies: 9
Views: 1980

Martin Ling

If he is happy doing what he is doing then I'm over the moon for him. I wish him nothing but the best in moving forwards with his life, not just his career and have total admiration for the way in which he has not hidden away from his personal 'challenges' in his life. More of a man than many out there. Good luck Martin!
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 23:41
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Thanks for the memories
Replies: 59
Views: 7433

Thanks for the memories

Cheers Roar. Good luck for the future man.
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 23:38
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Thanks for the memories
Replies: 59
Views: 7433

Thanks for the memories

When I said that it wasn't meant in any homosexual way you'll understand.
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 23:37
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Thanks for the memories
Replies: 59
Views: 7433

Thanks for the memories

PlainmoorRoar wrote:tl:dr

I reckon you're alright underneath. :lol: :-D
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 23:26
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Thanks for the memories
Replies: 59
Views: 7433

Thanks for the memories

Finally I need to say a huge thankyou to most of your forum members out there who have shared your posts with me and who have hopefully enjoyed some of my posts too. I still find it incredible that I have lasted for 3 years but that is the reality of it and it has been a revelation to share a journey with you all. Some I have met and got to know a little, however sadly it is very doubtful we will be meeting again much to your relief. :lol:

Some I have seen but not spoken to, some were kind enough to befriend me on facebook for the short time I felt compelled to use it ( I've been deactivated now for months as facebook really is not me.) and for that I show my gratitude, and most I have never met or seen. That leaves the majority on this site who are literally just names to me but some of you I have formed an opinion on and even have an image in my head of what you may look like and in some ways I do feel like we've met.

This post really just serves as a who's who of TUFCfansforum members and my views.

In no particular order:

Bengull: What an absolute cracking bloke and as genuine as they come. I honestly get the impression that you could rely on him with your life. I trust him implicitly and I think he has exceptional qualities that you don't often find nowadays, honesty, integrity and fairness. Ben and I have stood and sung together on loads of occasions and a couple spring to mind such as Rochdale away the season before last when literally nobody else turned up and we pretty much were THE singers for those 90 minutes at Spotland.

This man loves the club and hardly missed a game home or away for a number of years now and is truly dedicated. He has been badly let down by the club also and he hasn't renewed his season ticket which shocked me. It is certain that if it weren't for Ben asking me to show myself at the Don Valley a few years back, then there is no way I would have been able to meet some of the amazing fans I have. So thankyou Ben.

From a forum perspective, his posts are always fair, constructive, balanced and well written which is the opposite to me and they are always accurate and unreactive. Ben takes into account others views and predicaments when he posts which conveys well.

I hope his old man is ok and Nige too and hope he keeps well and achieves what he wants to in life because he's a decent bloke. He has got my Alan Partridge CD too but keep it keep it, you can always get me something of equivalent value like a pint of bitter or a big marker pen..............

Oh, and I STILL think the Oxford Ox is the finest piece of football based sculpture in the UK.

Alexgulls: Also stood with Alex on a number of occasions and I get the impression with Alex that he just loves the days out and makes the most of them. A great lad and really friendly. The time up at Hartlepool when he instigated the 'watching this fence is better than this' chant when he got us all to turn and sing it to the fence at the back of the terrace was **** hilarious. Yet some Torquay fans in the crowd chose to take offence at some of the chants that day. See, you get some wanting to have a laugh without causing physical harm to others and you get some wanting to be like Victor Meldrew. Cheers for the memories Alex and I hope you get to go to that bar in High Wycombe again!

Alex is a brief poster in frequency and word count but he is happy with that.

Tufchills: I believe this is Mark Bithells username so if that is the case then I'd like to say I've enjoyed standing with Mark too on a few occasions. His particular rant and outbursts at Scunny towards Alan Knill made me piss myself! Again, some in the crowd took offence. Sad.

Lankyben: A more languid and humorous bloke you'll not hope to meet. Not stood with him many times but the night game at Burton was an absolute hoot where he taunted Knill about it feeing like a win, nearly got ejected for shouting inappropriate comments about a player and sang TV theme tunes. Wet myself mate and thanks so much for that! A rare poster.

Bixieupnorth: A Sheffield lad now so he'd have you believe and I bet he's not even tried a drop of the Henderson's! I appreciate his comments more than most because he is pretty straight talking which means the Yorkshire is rubbing off on him and he always has a good word to say about me when I've been on and off the forum like a yo yo. It's like he understands that not all of us are fundamentally fully functional in a normal society all of the time and he allows for that. Patience in spades I reckon. I very much appreciate Paul and have been fortunate enough to stand with him on a couple of occasions. Still not sure about the Mick Hucknall mullet though Bix!

Bixie is also my betting buddy and we've often exchanged bet details and views on how to beat the bookie. To no avail for me I'm afraid. Even now I've got the Fjolnir Reykjavik v FH Hafnarfjordur game on BET365 because I've stuck 15 on Fjolnir at 5/1! They are 1-0 down you won't be surprised to hear.

I like Bix's posts, again they are pretty infrequent but he comes out with the blunt truth and he loves to support the club financially in any way he can with memberships and the like from his home in dumpy Sheff Vegas.

Supernickywroe: If you see a rotund Craig Charles lookalike wearing a Simpsons t-shirt coming towards you then bloody well run for the hills!! This man is kerrreyezy!! It's when he oppens his mouth that the real problems start because tha can't understand a bloody word e's sayin'! Of course I can but that's because I learnt Yorkshire from a very young age. Chris is in someways how I'd like to be, not obese though - we're both that. But not concerned about what people think of him and speaks his mind. Probably the bluntest poster on the forum and he dunt talk wet either. I've stood with him on a few occasions at York and Chesterfield, the latter game when Scottish Dom blew the whistle and Chris was telling those holier than thou knobheads having a pop to wind their necks in! Quality and total respect! "We don't want your sort supporting our club!" these people were shouting at Dom. "WELL **** OFF THEN!!". Chris is / was a nurse and had given me general medical advice in the past for which I'm grateful. Nothing about my anus though.

Forevertufc: Dave is a very knowledgable man about all levels of the club and youth / local leagues and I find many of his posts about how things work very interesting indeed. I've learnt a great deal from his postings so thanks Dave. He also speaks his mind and is a true fan who is not prepared to be dictated to by clueless Torquay bosses (my words not his). I respect that. I've met him once for a drink in Boots and really enjoyed chatting to him, he is another who is always fair and has said many a kind word about me in the past and even sent me PM's too which I very much appreciated. I hope his lad gets where he wants to be in football and goes on to achieve great things.

Jeff: Really knows his stuff on the lower leagues and had put me right on a few occasions when I have posted inaccurate info. I thoroughly respect his knowledge on non league football and lower league players and I have also learnt things about players I've never heard of from him. I've spoken to him briefly at Macclesfield when two weeks before our game at Moss Rose we played up at Accy and I let rip a huge rant on leaving the stadium about it and Accy being a total shithole which the world and his wife heard. Oddly enough at Macc two weeks later I was stood next to this lad (who was Jeff but I didn't know that yet) and his mate who were discussing 'that lad who had a rant at Accy'. I overheard and introduced myself! It's a small world! I think Jeff is one of the few who will actually savour some of the hovels that Torquay will be visiting next season.

Trojan: Hope this degenerate is keeping well! Not heard from him for a bit. A wily, eccentric old boy who has been there and got the t-shirt. Met him in Boots once, complete with bag. Keep well Troj!

Brucie: Brucie is a realist which I like but like myself he can be tad negative and not give too much credit when it's due. I like reading his posts because it upsets the 'happy clappers' but I'm not sure we'd both be able to enjoy a pint together i'll put it that way. I'm sure he will be glad to hear that. He too thought about giving the site up but it's in his blood. I can't say the same sadly. Brucie is a forum icon. As blunt as James and Emily put together.

Cambgull: Luke likes great music and I enjoy reading his posts across a wide spectrum of topics. He is definitely worth more than a mention.

Gullscorer: Mick enjoys his culture and is clearly a very wise and educated 'mature' man. I get the impression that he is genuinely 'into' and knowledgable about the arts and literature unlike some who just claim to be because it makes them seem intelligent. He has a passion bordering on obsession about a few topics but don't we all? Mick likes to stay positive and I'm sure the Gulls will win all of their remaining games next season!

Ferrarilover: Matt has always been friendly to me and we've met and chatted on a few occasions.I get the impression that he is very intelligent but often lacks empathetic qualities I feel and often delivers clinical if not somewhat overly forensic posts about a wide range of topics. I like his questioning style and reasoning but like I said, often it is too clinical and I often struggle to work out the tone of his posts. I do think that the field of law is made for him given the style of his posts. If Matt could be a little more forgiving of the apparently stupid then it would go a long way, more than he'd realise. The overriding feel I get with Matt is that he likes to be right and to be fair he does always try to provide hard evidence to back up any posts but I just think if he cut folk a bit of slack now and then it would make some see him in a different light. Some of his posts in the past have actually made me piss myself but others I have questioned the need for, like he has done with mine on many occasions I don't doubt. If you get that Hedgehog mate then let me know what you've decided to call it.

DonnyGull (now DonnyGull50): Tony has always been an officer and a gentleman on the few times I've met him. Well, a gentlemen anyway! He always gives me a shout at half time if he spots me at a game and we catch up. He's from Dawlish and I very much enjoy our chats. He is a thoroughly decent chap and gets to games when he can after work and family commitments. I recently walked down Bootham Crescent with him before and after our last game at York and he is always very talkative and friendly. His lad supports Donny Rovers but I won't hold that against him! Hope you are doing well Tony and that your family situation is ok.

Chunkygull: Probably as close to myself as I'm gonna get on this forum. Chunks is a legend. All I want is to be immature, have a laugh about stuff and rant about stuff and I get the impression that this is Chunks too. We're just normal mid thirties blokes thinking about approaching 40 and having a sort of girly breakdown. We just want to go about our daily business avoiding stress, avoiding wankers and getting on with our lot but find it increasingly difficult because lots of people are twats. We enjoy banal comedy and we're just down to earth grown up kids. Chunky, if I'm wrong I'm deeply sorry!

Tomogull: Comes across as a very very nice bloke indeed and I've not forgotten the supportive posts he gave me. I get the impression he can ride the rough with the smooth, read between the lines and give the benefit of the doubt. Remarkable traits. Loves the club and likes to see the positives in things but is also understanding of negative posters and doesn't jump down their throats. Cheers Tomo!

Taxilady: I have nothing but admiration for this lady, a real die hard TUFC fan, battler and a very genuine and thoroughly nice lady. In fact I'd go as far as to say that TUFC has TWO ladies that keep the club afloat - Thea and Nina. A special lady and one who I have had the pleasure of standing with a few times including at Mansfield. I have had nothing but support and goodwill messages from her throughout my site life and it is very much appreciated. I remember the surprised look on her face when I collared her outside the club shop at Plainmoor before the Accrington game as I was making my way into the bench! I bet I was a sight for sore eyes! Thanks Nina and take care of yourself and those taxi's!!

Coley: I've not forgotten the shit we both got from happy clappers mate but we stood firm. Cheers mate.

Lucy6lucy: A passionate lass about her club and things in general. Takes no shit and speaks her mind. Love it!

Gazzableedsgull: A fellow Yorkshireman but one who has links to Torquay unlike myself. Gaz is a bit of a loose cannon and I've enjoyed his company a few times. I still love that photo of your arse at Bath City mate!!

Bobby93: Met him at Wycombe and although I can't pinpoint any of his particular posts I understand that he is rallying round the fans and trying to produce a new fanzine called The Road to Hele. He is getting off his arse and willing to give up his own time to promote the club he loves by producing a fanzine for Torquay fans. I think that deserves a round of applause and it is a damn sight more than a lot of others are doing. Respect Bobby and I hope the fanzine kicks off for you. Sadly I can't help anymore as I promised because I don't support Torquay. I'm sure you'll understand. Speak to Ben, he drinks that yellow stuff in tins.

Neal: I think we are both on the same wavelength as I often agree with much of what he posts. He comes across as passionate about the club, realistic but fair and doesn't want to be fobbed off. I respect his posts.

Scott Brehaut: What can I say about this bloke? What a sack! Only kidding Scotty lad! Scott has been very very helpful to me and I've really enjoyed chatting to him online. Top bloke who I believe has had some really unfair and unjust criticism and abuse just because he's an admin bod. **** 'em Scott. Top bloke and a bit on my wavelength but in all honesty when I first joined up I thought you were a bit of a **** but now I think you're a real normal top bloke and one who I can go out for a pint with. Obviously you wouldn't feel the same! Cheers for everything Scott and I hope you and our little lad are both fine.

Southamptongull: Dave has always been very helpful to me and generally been tolerant and understanding of my 'issues' for which I am very grateful. I reckon he knows I'm a bit of a knob but I can't help it do I have an excuse! He loves Shepherds too and knows his working dogs so he's not all bad! Cheers Dave!

Louis: Comes across as an extremely sensible individual (no offence Louis! ). Calm and always there to help and goes out of his way to get competetions and things going for you lot which quite frankly sometimes I wish he wouldn't bother because many of you don't seem to give a shit or appreciate his work and effort. Louis isn't fussed but I can tell you it **** me right off. Someone has gone out of their way to run a competition and offer a prize and nobody can be arsed to respond or express gratitude. It's rude and unacceptable IMO but I'm odd aren't I? Cheers Louis.

I also like to hear from our American lads Happy, USA and Wisconsin and also a mention to GG, our resident faggot eater from Gloucestershire!

If you didn't get a mention in this star studded line up then don't worry. I enjoy most posts. There are only a handful of posters that are 'challenging' but that's only because you are jealous. No point in dishing out the abuse because that would be negative..................and you don't like negative.
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 20:52
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Free Programmes
Replies: 13
Views: 1638

Free Programmes

bixieupnorth wrote:christ not again andy, why cant you just hang about here mate, its a better place with you in it

you dont have to be a 100% gull to take part, come to 2 or 3 games a season and chip in on here as and when you feel like it

please dont pack it all in

and as supes said, you are such a plank!!


I will do that Paul no problems, preferably when your good self is there. :)

If you let me know which game (and York are playing at the other end of the country :na: ) then I would love to come along and give my support and enjoy a day out, no probs. So long as you stop Chris from going for a curry beforehand we'll all be fine!! :)

Take care mate! I was in Sheff the other day, the tennis club down the posh part near Dore for my little one. Me going into a **** tennis club. Jesus. :lol:
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 19:25
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Free Programmes
Replies: 13
Views: 1638

Free Programmes

brooker wrote: Bugger. Now we're going to have to change the name of the site to

On the programmes front they have all now been taken. They are going stateside but any problems and i'll let you all know if they become available again. :-D
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 17:56
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Free Programmes
Replies: 13
Views: 1638

Free Programmes

Yes Scott. As of today it's 'officially' over mate. My shirts and stuff have all been and gone on ebay and I've just my programmes to shift if anyone wants them. I still have my memories though. In fact I might piss Dave Pougher right off tonight or tomorrow and write a couple of cracking lengthy posts: one reflecting on my 6 year stint as a Gull, my favourite moments, favourite people and stuff like that. Read it and see if you get a mention!

I'll also post a run down on forum members and my opinions. Should be classic queen!! See if you're in the top 3 and win a prize! A free Torquay scarf! :scarf: (Seriously)

Those are still to come so hold on to your hats! :)

Then I can sign off, thank the mods individually for all the support and stuff they've helped me with over the 3 years as a forum member and only return as a guest fan like Friendlygas.

You never know, if York are ever in town and I get back into the footy lark then i'll be back at Plainmoor in the away end and hope to buy some of you delinquents a pint in Boots!! :na: :lol:

Watch this space............................

Yes I know I'm bizarre but I know of two things even MORE bizaree than me, trying to sell season tickets by giving out free dinners and also Billy Bodin being told by someone thathe would make a professional footballer. 8-]
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 17:42
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 69
Views: 9511


Plus none of the irritants that use this site can level anything against me now. I would be going back to supporting the club I used to support, I've lived there for many years spending much of my youth there too, I am a Yorkshireman and nobody can say I'm not a part of it. Nobody can say I'm a fraud. Like some have said, it's in the blood. I've just been on a bit of adventure that's all although it's lasted 6 or so years. I'm back in the room, in Gods own country and it's where I was born and was raised and I can now be proud of that.

Now I can start again, I still have all my happy memories of the last 6 years but I can start over and look forward now. Peace of mind is important and I'm on the right path.
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 17:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 69
Views: 9511


Rich, that was unexpected and very much appreciated but yes it has to happen. I hope my vocal support and financial support in terms of buying merchandise and stuff has gone some way to helping the club out these past 6 or so years and that's all I can say really. It's partly because I feel alienated and disenfranchised by the club these past few years the way they have operated and treated you fans. Maybe I have been able to look at it from an outsiders perspective as well as a fan and what I've seen you lot go through and the hoops you jump through to support the club these past few years is phenomenal and most should be very very proud and I'm sure you are. I just don't see any real tangible positives offered from the club to you fans and I find it disgusting if I'm being honest.

It's also partly because I've come to realise that to accept what you are or were instead of always looking for that greener grass and striving to be something you are not. I had visions of moving to the South West, I even lived in Newquay for a while but ultimately you can't forget about what you are. That's why I find it hard now to understand the mentality of fans of the big Prem clubs who have no association with them whatsoever. What do they get out of it? They surely can't feel 100% a part of it because they aren't from there in the first place and never have been. It's a bit like that with Torquay and myself and it's taken me a turbulent few years to finally come to terms with the reality of it.

My partner lived in Exeter for years and when I met her she always used to urge me to holiday down in Devon and Cornwall and that is where my interest in the area came from. Yes it's true I stuck a pin in a map to choose Torquay but the map page was on Devon so it was one of the three. Torquay got the bum deal I'm afraid. :-/

Before I swapped to Torquay I was a regular on the terraces at York for a number of years and I've grown up around there for the most part so if I decide to go back to one team and going to football again it will be York and that's me done and dusted. My little one will be able to come with me and I feel comfortable and content there. I've no need to pretend justify my support. I know where I'm going, how Bootham Crescent works and I have many many memories of the place. I am one of them and nobody can take that away. Being a fan of football should always be being a fan of your local / nearest club so that you have an identity and a passion for them. You are or were local and you feel part of the community, even when you live elsewhere.
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 17:03
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: New signing - Louis Briscoe
Replies: 20
Views: 3907

New signing - Louis Briscoe

Decent addition. Was good for the Stags.
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 16:39
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 69
Views: 9511


Matt, if you read my post I do accept that I have been asking the club to do freebies and things and now they have done so it would appear I'm still not happy. I accept that and under normal circumstances I would give praise but it is just ridiculous to expect to sell season tickets based on the premise that you get 3 free dinners. It's inappropriate and truly bizarre tbh. Surely I'm not the only person who thinks this? Sure give away free dinners but do it in the correct context like a raffle prize or something. Giving away free meals as a USP for buying a season ticket is quite frankly weird.

If the season ticket enabled the holder a free pie and coffee at every home game OR a free programme then it's a good start but to just pluck out the 3 dinners idea seemingly at random from thin air is very very odd indeed.

If you think you have your finger on the pulse of the club and are happy that the future is bright then who am I to argue?

You see such a venture as the 3 dinners scenario as the club trying it's best to make progress, you see the positive in it somehow and that is fine. I simply see no point in it whatsoever I'm afraid so I'm entitled to my opinion.

Let's wait and see what the sponsor thing throws up shall we. Two weeks ago we were told we had a new sponsor lined up. Not that we were in negotiations with a new sponsor but that we had another one to come in. Where and who are they and why the delay? Either we have a new sponsor or we don't so why the secrecy? Oh I forgot, it's business.

I keep forgetting. It's not 'we' anymore. :-/
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 12:44
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Replies: 69
Views: 9511


Apparently a new sponsor has taken over the reigns from WTS but as yet nobody knows who. They must be still crossing the t's and dotting the i's then. :whistle:
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 12:39
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The Bookies Odds Thread
Replies: 576
Views: 162770

The Bookies Odds Thread

It is that but the maximum win would be £20. Not enough for us big hitters! :goal: :lol:
by DerbyshireGull
11 Jun 2014, 12:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Free Programmes
Replies: 13
Views: 1638

Free Programmes

Is that a yes or a no then? ;-) :lol: