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by Gullscorer
15 Jun 2017, 00:03
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 112731

The European Union: We're out...!!!

The UK will be £150 billion a year better off without a EU deal: ... heresa-May

And we would completely control our own borders, our own laws, our own money and taxes, our own fishing grounds, our own trade with the rest of the world, and our own destiny.

Do not capitulate to the EU control freaks, the Remainers and Remoaners, and the 'soft Brexiters'..
by Gullscorer
14 Jun 2017, 13:47
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Josh Gowling Signs
Replies: 9
Views: 2452

Josh Gowling Signs

portugull wrote: 13 Jun 2017, 20:22Thank you twillupe your post is very encouraging.

I always thought the correct spelling was 'Tulip'.. ;-)
by Gullscorer
14 Jun 2017, 13:44
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Plainmoor match-day stewards
Replies: 8
Views: 1480

Plainmoor match-day stewards

There have been a number of criticisms in recent years of the attitudes and actions of the Plainmoor stewards, and now the club is inviting tenders for a new stewarding contract: ... 29955.aspx

This raises a few questions: will the club simply go for the cheapest tender? Or will it also take into consideration the various track records of those bidding? Will the club take into account the bad experiences of innocent supporters suffering at the hands of bad stewards? Why doesn't the club employ its own stewards and volunteers, which it did successfully for many years with little trouble and few problems?
by Gullscorer
14 Jun 2017, 13:14
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics
Replies: 723
Views: 72202


Media and Twitter: bias, lies, and fake news: ... edia-bias/
by Gullscorer
14 Jun 2017, 12:34
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The European Union: We're out...!!!
Replies: 617
Views: 112731

The European Union: We're out...!!!

The Remainers and Remoaners are calling for a 'soft Brexit' following the general election result. But this result in no way negates the democratic decision of the British people made last year in the referendum to leave the EU, which was hardly mentioned in the election campaigns. Opinion polls suggest that an even larger proportion of people now support Brexit this year than was the case last year. The likes of Tim Farron (who has admitted he will do everything he can to thwart Brexit) now claiming a part in the upcoming negotiations is hypocritical in the extreme.

Let's remind ourselves again: the nation has decided to leave the EU, which means leaving the single market which means (thankfully) no more open borders: we take back control of our borders, our laws, our money, and our fishing grounds, we become an independent sovereign nation again, with no more tariffs raised against non-EU goods and food, and with great opportunities opening up for worldwide trade. This will not stop us trading with EU countries any more than such freedom stops the rest of the world from trading.

As for the EU itself, originally sold to the UK public as a trading bloc, it is as anti-democratic as ever, and is pushing even harder for political integration. It cares not how the tottering Eurozone has caused mass unemployment in Mediterranean countries. We are far better off out of the EU: how many terrorists and extremists have made use of the EU rules on free movement of people to enter the UK? ... ent-rules/
by Gullscorer
14 Jun 2017, 02:08
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC 2017/18 Squad
Replies: 157
Views: 35155

TUFC 2017/18 Squad

It's all beginning to look quite promising. Saving up for a season ticket.. :scarf:
by Gullscorer
12 Jun 2017, 23:49
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: TUFC 2017/18 Squad
Replies: 157
Views: 35155

TUFC 2017/18 Squad

Here's the Kevin Nicholson interview. Excellent:
by Gullscorer
10 Jun 2017, 00:19
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The next General Election: who will you vote for?
Replies: 85
Views: 51925

The next General Election: who will you vote for?

Corbyn said he would take us out of the single market and end free movement; I understand this is in his manifesto. No mandate for soft Brexit. Interesting.

Yvette Cooper? Is that awful woman still around?
Walk away with no deal is better than a bad deal, and certainly better than the situation we are currently in as an EU member.
Paul Nuttal? I don't agree with much of what he says, and thankfully he has now resigned as UKIP leader, but please explain exactly how is he a racist. Evidence?
by Gullscorer
09 Jun 2017, 16:51
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: G for Gulls.
Replies: 9
Views: 3306

G for Gulls.

I heard a rumour that Gilbert is going on a bricklaying course.. :whistle:
by Gullscorer
09 Jun 2017, 13:11
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The next General Election: who will you vote for?
Replies: 85
Views: 51925

The next General Election: who will you vote for?

I concur with most of that, except for your last paragraph. The DUP are unionists, not nationalists; they want to remain part of the UK. Sinn Fein are nationalists not unionists, except insofar as they want a united Ireland.

My hope, and it's probably a forlorn one, is that everybody in these Islands (including the Republic) off the west coast of Europe will be either united, perhaps in a federation of local nations, or independent as each may wish but united in a local trading bloc, and trading not only with Europe but with the world.

Together, we in these islands can do so much better than the over-sized, anti-democratic and failing EU.
by Gullscorer
09 Jun 2017, 10:56
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: The next General Election: who will you vote for?
Replies: 85
Views: 51925

The next General Election: who will you vote for?

Plainmoor78 wrote: 09 Jun 2017, 09:46So the people have spoken. What they have actually said is beyond me.

Thanks to previous Labour (Blair/Brown) and Conservative/Lib-Dem (Cameron/Clegg) governments, the national debt was increasing to an ever greater extent'. The Conservative government led by Theresa May knew they had to deal with this as well as coping with Brexit. A general election must have seemed like a good idea at the time, but the Conservatives began with an ill-thought-out manifesto, and continued with a terrible campaign, which did nothing to win over floating voters. ... ell-earth/

Most UKIP voters, wanting to ensure an easy Brexit, voted Conservative, but this was not enough to counter the general tide of votes.

The Labour Party, on the other hand, more or less promised the earth as usual, without mentioning how it was going to be paid for in view of the mounting national debt. Many Labour voters who were considering changing to Conservative were deceived by this as much as being put off by poorly-presented Conservative manifesto promises. In addition, a large number of youngsters, influenced and indoctrinated by the Marxist-feminist-PC pro-EU teachers embedded in our education system, were voting for the first time. Many of these will grow older and wiser, but this is why so many youngsters and students are on the political left. ... ted-youth/

As for Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish Nationalists, their bubble was always bound to burst sometime, and their obsession with independence combined with a crazy adherence to EU membership was their undoing: for example, Scotland's free trade with the rest of the UK far outweighs its free trade with the EU.

So what now? This article perhaps indicates the way ahead for the Conservatives who will have a (albeit much smaller) working majority with the help of the DUP: The Conservatives will thereby hope to survive for the next five years (unlikely), or certainly until the Brexit negotiations have finished (or failed). If they fail, in my view we should walk away with no deal; even that would be better than the situation we currently face as an EU member. We should certainly not capitulate to the EU negotiators' belligerent bluff and bluster. My own feeling is that yet another general election is looming, perhaps within the next 12-18 months, possibly sooner. Will Mrs May still be Prime Minister by then?

Feel free to disagree.. :)
by Gullscorer
08 Jun 2017, 22:00
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics
Replies: 723
Views: 72202


Saudi Arabia, the nation which funds and supports Wahhabi mosques and terrorists worldwide:

Shia imam Sheikh Mohammad Tawhidi told the Mail the Saudi team’s decision not to participate was not about the practice being
un-Islamic, but because the dead were non-Muslim.
“[Muslims] regularly mourn over a person if a leader dies or if there is an attack of some kind,” he said.
“They did not stop for a moment of silence because according to Wahhabi Islam – which governs Saudi Arabia – it is not wrong or a sin for a Muslim to kill a non-Muslim. In their eyes, the attackers are martyrs who are going to paradise.
“If they stand for a minute of silence, they are against their Muslim brothers who fought for jihad and fought the ‘infidels’. ... k-victims/